Cliché Boyfriends

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As soon as Gilbert and Matthew stepped into Ivan's house, the Canadian was overwhelmed. There was music blasting, teenagers dancing, and what seemed to be an endless supply of alcohol all crammed into the house at once.

"This is wild." Matthew muttered, taking in the scene around him with a deep breath. Antonio and Francis seemed to be doing a keg stand along with a disapproving Lovino, Feliciano was practically sitting on Ludwig's lap on the couch, Elizaveta and Roderich were having a competition to see who could do the most shots, Yao was passed out on the stairs, and everyone else was dancing in the living room as the music blared.

"This is nothing compared to German Christmas." Gilbert huffed, laughing at Matthew's innocence. The Canadian had never been to a senior rager, so Gilbert didn't blame him for being overwhelmed.

"German Christmas?" Matthew questioned, looking over at Gilbert with a tilted head.

"You don't want to know." Gilbert warned, a slight smirk on his face.

"I do now!" Matthew exclaimed, practically screaming over the defeaning music.

"Let's just say Krampus isn't the only scary German thing that comes out during Christmas time." Gilbert stated, nodding towards the Austrian taking shots in the other room.

"Roderich?! How could Roderich possibly be scary?" Matthew asked, following Gilbert's eyes to the two still having their drinking competition.

"He tries to be Tchaikovsky during the Nutcracker season and if you mess with him he is not afraid to pelt you with his homemade brötchen." Gilbert explained, rolling his eyes as he reminisced on past disastrous Christmases with the Austrian. The Beilschmidt's and Edelstein's were close family friends and always had Christmas together, resulting in a lot of brötchen-pelting from Roderich. Gilbert always dreaded the holiday season.

"I'm overwhelmed. What do you even do at these parties? How is this fun?" Matthew asked, eyes widening at the scene around him.

"It's not fun. That's why you make it fun by getting disgustingly drunk and partying like it's the last night of your life." Gilbert explained, gesturing towards the mass of kids dancing in the living room.

"This is illegal." Matthew grumbled, a dissaproving frown on his face as he glared at the overwhelming amount of drunk teenagers on the first floor of the house.

"Matthew. Live a little." Gilbert spoke, letting out an exasperated sigh at the Canadian. Gilbert always found Matthew's innocence adorable, but he wished the boy would loosen up just once. The party would've been legal in Europe! It's not Gilbert's fault that some countries have stupid drinking laws!

"I just don't think it's a good idea to cram this many kids in a house with so much alcohol! There's bound to be some accidents!" Matthew defended himself, trying not to sound like such a nark in front of the German.

"Accidents happen! Matthew. My dearest sweetest loveliest cutest Matthew. I understand that this is your first party. I understand that you may feel a bit uncomortable. Don't worry. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. Since I'm driving, I will refrain from drinking. Feel free to join me in my quest to stay sober." Gilbert said in an attempt to comfort the junior. Matthew snorted at his response and softly punched him in the arm.

"Okay guidance counselor Gilbert, show me how the sober kids have fun at a party filled with drunk people." Matthew teased, suddenly feeling much better about the situation they were in. When he had first accepted the invitation to the party a few hours prior he didn't expect to be going to such a crazy event. At least Gilbert knew how to calm an anxious Canadian down.

"I'm never sober at these parties so I don't know. Being sober at one of these parties is like being at a zoo. It's kind of making me uncomfortable. Why don't we go upstairs and explore?" Gilbert suggested, cocking his eyebrow with an adventurous look on his face. Matthew smiled in agreement and the two locked eyes before sneaking through the crowd of dancing teens and making their way onto the stairs, where they encountered their first obstacle. Yao Wang.

Yao Wang was a high school senior who nearly every Freshman had mistaken as a teacher on the first day of school. Matthew had talked to him a few times about his calligraphy and he was really nice but now he was just a nuisance. Trying to climb over the unconcious boy's body on the stairs was like trying to get past the Great Wall of China with a 4 foot ladder. It took Gilbert nearly 3 minutes to carefully pick him up and position him in a way so that the two could get up the stairs. It was quite the endeavor. Matthew was laughing the entire time and Gilbert had nearly woken the boy up with his attempt at keeping it together.

When the two finally got up the stairs they gave eachother a weak high five and took a moment to regain the oxygen they had lost from laughing so hard on the way up. It took them a few moments to compose themselves before they headed down the hallway. The second floor of Ivan's house was pretty big, with what seemed like an endless amount of doors down a very, very long hallway. Gilbert and Matthew both knew Ivan had a pretty big family, but they weren't expecting there to be so many rooms in the house.

At the end of the hallway was a large window with a cushioned windowsill underneath it. The window was surrounded by white shelves filled with books of all sizes and colors. Matthew perked up at the sight of it. Making sure not to make a lot of noise in fear of getting caught exploring the house, Matthew pointed towards the windowsill and gave Gilbert an excited look. Gilbert seemed to agree with Matthew's non-verbal suggestion and the two made their way down the hallway and onto the cushioned windowsill.

The window looked out onto the Russian's backyard, which was nicely landscaped with sunflowers and camomile flowers. It was quite pretty. The two admired the beautiful backyard for a few moments before turning back to eachother.

"Now what?" Matthew whispered, wondering what they could do now that they had reached the second floor. Their mission was over.

"This." Gilbert said before cupping Matthew's cheek and kissing him softly, much softer than he had ever kissed him before. Matthew was surprised by the gentleness and smiled, pulling back to reveal a smirking Gilbert.

"You are the most cliché person that I've ever had the fortune to meet." Matthew teased, immediately wiping the smirk off of Gilbert's face.

"What?! That was super romantic!" Gilbert defended himself, suddenly turning pink at Matthew's joke.

"That was something straight out of an ABC Family drama you goofball." Matthew teased again, this time chuckling at Gilbert's agape expression.

"You cynical little nerd." Gilbert shot back, eliciting a burst of laughter from Matthew.

"I'm sorry it was just so cliché. It made me laugh." Matthew explained, watching Gilbert's lips curl into a smile as he defended himself. Gilbert was about to respond when the two heard a shout coming from down the hall. The two immediately jumped back from eachother and tried to listen but could only hear muffled noises.

"Vhat zhe hell vas zhat." Matthew whispered, poking fun at Gilbert's accent as the two tried to listen to the yelling from down the hall. Gilbert jabbed him in the rib and Matthew covered his mouth with his hands to stop himself from laughing.

"Follow me." Gilbert whispered, carefully standing up from the windowsill with a determined look on his face. Matthew followed with light footsteps and the two made their way down the hall until the voices became louder and more clear. The voices seemed to be coming from one of the rooms they had passed on the way to the windowsill. Gilbert stopped in front of a purple-colored door and put his ear to it, listening as the shouting continued. It took him a few moments of listening before he jumped back with a suprised expression.

"What?" Matthew asked, wondering what had suprised him so much.

"It's Alfred and Arthur."

Yo yo yo yo yo how are you guys! It's 2am but I'm updating anyway... party... I just wanted to say thank you so much for the nice comments on the last chapter they literally mean so much and they motivate me to write and you're all great and just... THANKS FOR READING because without you we wouldn't have this story. Anyway, Hope you enjoyed!

-this isn't edited and wattpad's new system sucks at helping with auto-correct so my bad if anything is misspelled. I'll fix it later-

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