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"Schiesse." Gilbert muttered as he looked up at the crowd of kids who were now staring at him and Matthew. With a bright red face and a head of disheveled hair, Gilbert quickly rolled off of Matthew and gave a sheepish smile to his classmates, whose mouths were dropped open in shock at the sight in front of them.

It was a few moments of awkward silence and Matthew internally screaming before Francis stepped out from the crowd of gaping students. "Gilbert and Matthew, sitting in a pantry~, K I S S I N G!" the Frenchman teased, breaking the awkward silence as the couple sat on the floor, frozen in embarrassment. A few kids snickered at the comment and others whispered to their friends, not believing what they had just seen

"Uh- we were just getting some food and I fell over! No big deal... Haha.. right, Gilbert?" Matthew awkwardly stammered, scrambling up off the ground in an attempt to keep their relationship a secret. Gilbert nodded silently, clearing his throat as their friend's eyes continued to linger on the two.

"Oh, really? Is that why it looks like there's a banana in Gilbert's pocket?" Francis teased, winking at the two with a smirk. Gilbert's hands immediately shot down to cover his crotch and Matthew looked on, horrified at the sheer amount of students that their fall had attracted.

"So like... are you two dating?" a quiet, high-pitched voice suddenly asked from the crowd. A few people moved out of the way to reveal the girl who had said it. It was a small freshman named Lily, whose face was now bright red at the attention. Matthew and Gilbert looked at each other for a moment, wondering who would answer the girl's question. It was a few seconds of awkward silence and intense eye conversation between the couple before Gilbert cleared his throat.

"W-we are." Gilbert stammered, his heart pounding as he revealed his and Matthew's secret to basically the entire school. Gilbert and Matthew watched on as people either smiled, dropped their mouths open in shock, or balled their fists. The only person who really balled their fists was Roderich though. He had lost a bet to Francis. 

Matthew and Gilbert had both been expecting a negative response, so when they were pat on the back and congratulated, they both felt like a weight had been lifted off their shoulders. Everyone was surprisingly super nice about it. When Lily, the freshman who had asked the question, approached them, she had a huge smile on her face.

"I'm so happy for you guys! I didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything but I was just curious because no one at this school is really 'out'. You guys just gave me the confidence to ask my best friend out. I don't know how she'll react, but the least I can do is try. Thank you, seriously." the freshman said softly, her face turning a little pink. 

"Thank you, good luck!" Matthew responded, still in a bit of a trance from the rush of emotions that had gone through his brain in the past two minutes. Lily happily smiled at the encounter and then turned and bounced away, adjusting the ribbon in her hair as she returned to her friend group. 

Matthew and Gilbert were overwhelmed. They had no idea what just happened. They had both just simultaneously come out about their sexualitites and their relationship at the same time, and everyone was acting like it was just a normal ol' friday night. Matthew always thought coming out would be this huge deal where he would lose friends and everyone hated him. No one seemed to really care. They were all so supportive. 

It was as if Matthew had just told the entire school that his favorite color was blue. It was no big deal. It just sort of happened and then everyone moved on. It felt like this heaviness in his chest had gone forever, never to return. He felt liberated. 

Looking over at his boyfriend, Matthew smiled. Gilbert seemed to be having the same thought process.  His eyes were wide and his face was slightly pink, but he looked happy. Everyone had turned their attention back to gettiing drunk and dancing at this point, so they were really the only ones left in the kitchen to reflect on what had just happened.

"That was easier than expected" Matthew uttered, looking over at Gilbert with a smirk on his face. Gilbert nodded in agreement before smiling and letting out a relieved sigh. No more having to hide themselves from the world. Gilbert placed a soft kiss on Matthew's lips and pulled away, smiling at the fact that they were now allowed to kiss openly. 

"You wanna dance?" Gilbert suddenly asked, grabbing Matthew's hand to drag him out of the kitchen. Matthew groaned, not wanting to dance, but followed anyway, laughing as Gilbert excitedly pulled him into the middle of a crowd of kids dancing in the living room. 

Matthew giggled loudly as Gilbert started pulling out a ton of ridiculous dance moves and dancing circles around their classmates. Everyone watched as Gilbert purposely made a fool of himself, and Matthew continued laughing as he watched his goofball of a boyfriend. Eventually, Gilbert grabbed Matthew's wrist and pulled him into the crowd of people to dance, twisting and twirling him around as the music blared from the stereos. Eventually, Matthew escaped his boyfriend's ridiculous dancing and slipped out of the crowd, sitting on the couch for a break from the dancing. He really wasn't a fan of dancing. 

Matthew watched on as the kids formed a dance circle around Gilbert, who was still dancing like a goofball to make Matthew laugh. Matthew continued smiling as he thought about how lucky he was to be dating such a dork. Matthew was about to join back in on the circle before he spotted two blonds sneaking their way down Ivan's stairs. It was Alfred and Arthur. The two looked like they were trying to escape the party unnoticed. Matthew shrugged, deciding not to bother them. 

Looking down at his watch, he nearly screamed when he saw what time it was. It was 12:50, and Matthews curfew was 1am. Ivan's house was a solid 15 minute drive from Matthew's. Freaking out a bit, Matthew shot up from the couch and ran into the crowd of kids. Grabbing Gilbert's arm, Matthew dragged him through the living room and to the hallway. 

"WE HAVE TO GO! MY CURFEW IS IN 10 MINUTES!!" Matthew yelled, eliciting a panicked look from Gilbert. Running out the door, Gilbert and Matthew frantically searched for Gilbert's car. But it was nowhere to be found.

Really shitty chapter but y'know... fillers and all. Anyway, sorry it took so long to update! It takes me years now because school is very difficult and AP classes take up a lot of my free time.. But I hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

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