Chapter 13: "Jinmark"

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This chapter is dedicated to jinmark fans😜

"Mark hyung wake up", i woke up from my dream, Once again a depressed dream of Jackson. When i opened my eyes i saw Jr. leaning on me in very awkward position, his both hands were on either side of me and his face was few inches away from me, i felt his breathing on my face and his black eyes were looking something on my face. I feel my face turned red, i pushed him away

" what are you doing? " i was bit embarrassed due to my red face.

"Sorry hyung i was worried about you as you were continuously calling someone in your sleep and also you are covered in sweat. Are you missing your family hyung? Don't worry hyung we are also your family" Jr. said while hugging me again.

"Don't worry Jr. it was just a bad ream i am fine and you can leave now i have to take shower" i pushed him away little harshly because i don't want him to interfere in my life. I walked toward the washroom while Jr. was still standing in the middle of my room.

I took almost 20 minute to take shower and when i entered in the living room i saw that everyone was ready to leave and they were only waiting for me. I left with them for my first day as a trainee. At training center we were introduced to our trainers and managers.

They divided us into pairs me and Jr. bambam and yugeom while they made jb our leader. Then our real training get started, i came to know that Jr. and jb were our seniors and also part of another project called JJ project while yugeom was underground dancer and scouted here by pd himself.

Firstly, we have a vocal training class, they trained us for almost two hours on same nod and at the end of class my throat was hurting and then we have a class of dance. We entered in the class and our trainer was already there and they told us to do warm up exercises and to stretch our body. They told other three to help me and bambam. and as we were already paired Jr. helped me in my exercise and after exercise we start practice some basic dance moves but suddenly i felt that room was spinning and then there was darkness in front of my eyes the last thing i saw was Jr. grabbing me before i fell down on the ground.

I woke up in a unfamiliar room with a white curtains and soft bed and walls were painted in blue, i saw an IV drip hanging beside my bed which was connected to my left arm and it was almost finished. Which realised me that i was in the hospital. I was in the process of remembering that what happened to me and why i was here i saw Jr. coming inside the room and when he saw me awake he almost run toward me and got hit by a chair he ignored the pain and still ran toward me and hugged me.

"Hyung what happened to you, doctor said that you passed out because your blood sugar level dropped, please take Care of your self". Jr. said with tears in his eyes. I pulled him away from me. Why he was showing such care for me, we known each other just for two days why he was worried about me i thought to myself.

"I am fine Jr. you don't have yo worried about me, may be i didn't eat breakfast that's why i passed out and please stay away from me i am not used to that kind of skinship" i said harshly to jr while removing IV drip from my arm. Only Jackon is allowed to hug me and touch me i thought to myself.

"I am sorry hyung, but you .... " he was cut by Jb who was entered in my room with other 2 and i saw Jr. eyes were teary and tears were soon going to fell down from his eyes he avoid others and wiped his eyes before anyone noticed him.

"Mark how are you feeling now? You should take care of yourself, you have a long way a head and you are future idol you have to built up your stamina" jb scolded me and then helped me stand up.

"Mark hyung please take care of yourself" bambam said while eating apple from the fruit basket, yugeom shoot him a glare.

"What yogie i am hungry i didn't eat anything after breakfast" bambam said in answer of yugeom's glare.

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