Will you?

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Two years later. They went to Disney Land for their anniversary because cute.

The boys stepped off the plane in New York and groaned. It was cold here and it had been beautiful and sunny in Cali. They wanted to go back but they had obligations. Corey was getting ready to start rehearsals for a new show he'd be in called Gigi and Ben had been asked to go to a regional theatre in North Carolina for awhile to play a role in Next to Normal. They were sad that they'd have to spend a few weeks apart but they knew time would fly by because they were both doing something they loved. Once they arrived home they started getting ready for dinner. The cast of Gigi was getting together to celebrate and bond before they started. Naturally half of the Broadway community was invited as well. Once they got to the restaurant the party was in full swing and they jumped right in getting some drinks and going around talking to some people they already knew. Corey had been a bit distant lately and Ben was concerned but he decided he wasn't going to let that get in the way of a fun night. He detached himself from Corey and went over and talked to a few of his friends. Coreys plan was falling into place nicely. He went over to Ryan Steele and good friend of theirs and smiled "I'm almost ready. Is the karaoke machine set up?" Ryan smiled and nodded "yup it's all ready to go. Just give me the high sign." He laughed "man I can't believe you're going to ask Ben to marry you. This is such a huge step and I'm so happy for you" he said patting Coreys back. Corey smiled "thank you man. I've only held off this long because we've been so busy. But I wanted to marry him the day we confessed we liked each other. I can't believe two years half flown by." He said looking over at Ben. "I know man. Me and Charles have been dating for almost four years. Time flys when you're having fun I guess" he said smiling and Corey knew now was the time. "Here goes man." He walked over to the mic and tapped it. "Hey guys, so I'm going to be singing a song and I want to dedicate it to my amazing and supportive boyfriend, Benjamin" he said smiling at the boy. Ben blushed and looked down while the rest of the crowd awed and looked at Ben. As soon as the song started Be knew what it was, Thinking Out Loud by Ed Sheeran. He had loved this long since he first heard it and mad Corey listen to it all the time. Ben watched on as Corey sang with so much passion in his voice. Once the song was over Ben expected Corey to come off the stage but he didn't. He started talking and asked Ben to come forward. Ben came up to the front of the stage. Corey looked down at him and smiled "Benjamin, you have been my life saver and my hope. You have made me a whole new man, someone I'm proud to be. I don't know what I would have done without you in my life and I'm so thankful I get to wake up every morning and call you mine. I love you more than I'll ever be able to express. So..." He got down on one knee and Ben burst into tears. Corey pulled a ring out "Benjamin Charles Fankhauser, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" Ben nodded quickly to hugged Corey as best he could. Corey slipped the ring on Bens finger happily. "I love you so much!" Ben said through his crying. This was the best night of his life.

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