Nothing to do but let it end....?

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Hey y'all! Fun story: I actually met Ben Fankhauser over a year ago and met him enough that he knows me by name (I still can't believe it) and then in May I went to New York for the first time and saw/met Corey Cott for the first time so I have some real life muse for this now. Yay! Also two new people have rest this/commented which makes me feel good. Keep leaving comments!!

Ben was distraught. He had worked so hard to gain Corey's love and affection and they had come so far only to have it destroyed by s car accident. The hospital made the appropriate calls to get Meghan to the hospital. Ben was pushed to the side like he didn't matter because 'Corey doesn't remember his life with you right now and we need to make sure he heals properly so we have to start from where he remembers.' Which was a load of shit. He got to sit there and watch his husbands ex fiancé be happy with him like they had never broken up. Ben was at the hospital, in the waiting room every day on the off chance that Corey remembered him. After 3 weeks Ben stopped showing up as often and then, once Corey was released he stopped checking in all together. Corey didn't remember his relationship with Ben one bit. He remembered Meghan being his fiancé. Life returned to its new normal and Ben took a job offer in for a regional run of Newsies in St. Louis. He would be gone for 4 months and conveniently, he would miss Corey and Meghan's wedding. While Corey was still really confused he had signed divorce papers which wouldn't be filed until 2 weeks before his marriage to Meghan just in case he remembered. Ben had wept while signing them. It wasn't something he wanted to do but Corey's family and Meghan's family had really left him no choice.

Over time Ben tried to let his life return to 'normal'. Mostly he just threw himself into his work. He took dance lessons and vocal lessons every chance he got and took ever small job he could. It was finally time for him to leave for St. Louis. He had ended the lease on their....his apartment and Corey's family had gotten all of Corey's things. Ben put the rest in storage for when he came back. Corey tried to be Bens friend like they were before because that's all he knew but Ben was distant and ignored most of his texts and calls. He couldn't bare to deal with it right now. When the invite for their wedding came Ben didn't even open the envelope, he just threw it away.

Ben wasn't exactly sure how to close this chapter of his life but I guess it had to. Being out of the city for s few months Kyle be good for him because so much stuff reminded him of Corey and their life together. Ben grabbed his carry on as his flight was called for boarding. He took his last look of the Manhattan Skyline before stepping on. This was going to be good for him least he hoped it was.

Love you guys. I swear it will get better eventually but it's gotta get bad first.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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