The begining of the end

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Yo....sorry I was gone for almost a year. Life is crayyy. But I'm gunna try and actually finish this story? We'll see I suppose.

Ben woke up bright and early on Saturday to get a jump start on the party prep. They were throwing a big 4th of July party and Ben knew he had a whole day of cooking ahead. He quickly showered and got ready and then headed downstairs. He began getting all the food ready. Corey came down a bit later and smiled "you know the way to my heart." With that he stuck him finger I a sweet dish and took a bite "mmm a kitchen full of tasty food and you in an apron. That's all I need" he said laugh as Ben smacked his hand for eating some of the food "this is for our guests Cor!" He said in a slightly whining voice. Corey laughed and grabbed his keys "fine I'll just go to the gym so I'm not tempted by all this food" he said coming over and kissing Bens cheek "I'll be back in a little bit okay?" Ben nodded and tried to remain upset at the other male but he could see Corey smiling in the corner of his eye and damnit his smile made him happy. He leaned and gave Corey the kiss he was waiting for "alright I'll see you in a little bit. I love you!" He said as Corey walked out the door. He heard a fait "I love you more!" Before the door was closed. Little did he know that was the last time he'd hear that.

Corey pulled out of the drive way and started on his way to the gym. He pulled his phone out to check it and never even saw the other car coming before it was slamming into the his driver side door. All Corey remembers before things go black in his phone flying and his head zooming toward the steering wheel. People are crowded around the cars instantly and medical help is called. Once the ambulance arrives Corey had to be cut out of the vehicle and is then loaded on a stretcher and raced to the hospital. Meanwhile Ben is back home still cooking when he gets a phone call. He picks it up without looking at the caller ID and answers "hello, Cott-fankahuser residence." The line was quite for a second "is this Ben Cott-Fankhauser?" The lady asked. "Uhm yes this is he" Ben said confused. "I'm a nurse at St. Francis Hospital in Manhattan. Corey Cott-Fankhauser was brought in to the emergency room a little over an hour ago after being in a car accident. You were his top contact so we figured you should come. Down to the hospital and help fill out some paper work for him." Ben was in shock. Corey was in an accident over an hour ago and he was just now finding out about it? Was he okay? So much was racing through his mind right now. "Oh my god. I'll be right there." He said hanging up and grabbing his keys and wallet before racing out of the house.

Once at the hospital Ben goes to the check in desk and helps as best he can to fill out information but his brain was clouded. "I just need to see my husband please!" He said in a rushed tone. A nurse brought him back but warned "he has suffered some memory loss and we aren't entirely sure how far it goes back so just be prepared for that okay?" Ben nodded and walked in. Corey was hooked up to a few machines and appeared to be sleeping peacefully. Bens heart broke seeing him like that. He walked up and took Corey's hand into his own gently as to not hurt him. "Oh Cor.....I can't believed this happened to you....i love you so much and I'm gunna help you get better" he said kissing the mans hand. Just then Corey woke up and looked confusedly at Ben "who....who are you?" He asked almost scared. He pulled his hand away from Ben. Ben was taken back by this question " Ben. Your husband." He said with hurt in his voice. "No you're not! I'm not gay. That's a sin. I don't know who you are but I want Meghan" he said terrified and disgusted. As if Bens heart wasn't already breaking...Corey wanted his ex fiancé...Meghan.

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