I do.....i do too

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The story gets a bit intense after this so beware

Corey stood in the back room looking in the mirror at himself. He can't believe this day was finally here. He was marrying the man he loved. He straightens his bow tie and makes sure everything is smoothed down and his hair is in place. Once he's all good he goes and finds his parents. Once he gets the go ahead he walks with his mother and father to the pavilion in which his wedding is about to take place and kisses his mother as hugs his father before they sit down. During all of this Ben is in a separate room pacing back and forth and fidgeting with the paper that has his vows on it. He wasn't nervous to be married he was just nervous that he was going to mess up his vows. He had read through them a million times and could do it by heart but he was still nervous. The grooms men and some ladies that were very close to the two started to walk to the front. They opted not to have a flower girl or a ring bearer but had their two dogs do the duty instead. Ben watched it all unfold before it was his turn. He took his mothers hand and walked with her. When the music that they had picked started playing Corey looked up and saw Ben enter. He looked so handsome. Corey started tearing up and smiled big. Ben saw that and couldn't help but tear up himself. Once he reached the front he took Coreys hand and whispered "you're so handsome" Corey smiled "you are too baby" they both smiled and let the ceremony continue. Once it came time to read their vows Ben went first. He pulled his paper out and started to read "Corey. I love you with all of my heart. I promise to always love you. I promise that in all the ups and down I'm going to be there. You have taught me so much about how to love in the past two years and I promise to continue to learn. I promise to always try and be what you need." He said getting choked up he whispered out and "I love you" before he couldn't keep talking and put his paper away. Corey was already crying as he got his paper out. "Benjamin Charles...you are my whole world. I didn't truly know what love was until I looked into your eyes. You opens up my whole world and taught me what it meant to truly want to be with someone forever. I promise that in every up and down life throws at us I will be right by your side constantly loving you. You are my forever." He said smiling big and wiping his tears. The lady officiating the ceremony had them trade rings and say their I Do's "I now pronounce you Mr. And Mr. Corey Cott. You may now kiss your husband." Corey grinned big and grabbed Bens face before bringing their lips together in a passion filled kiss. They were finally married and the world was all right.

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