I guess it doesn't happen overnight
I'm not better
I'm not dying
I've learned life isn't as hard
When the fight isn't with yourself
The world isn't as black
And white as it was
But still
Sometimes I'm better
Sometimes I'm not
I've got more energy now
Than ever before
I can do things
I can explore
The little things
I never saw before
I've come to decide
The hardest battles we with
Are with ourselves
So I'll stop fighting
And I'll win
I guess I've got to balance self-love
Into the equation
But to everyone who's hurting
Let me be their mirror
You can't get better overnight
Maybe I'm seeing a little clearer
That they're so much more to life
Then weight and appearance
And being the skinniest
I'm learning to love myself
A little more every day
PoetryShe's never had problems, until recently. Recently, her world has been falling apart, but from the inside out. Turned into a depressed girl with serious eating disorder problems, all she wants to do is let go of everything, and be thin. Lighter than...