alternative ending (trigger warning)

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I can feel my heart

Giving up, giving in slowly

My body is succumbing to a power

Greater than I can control

I'm losing control of myself

And my body

Barely breathing, barely living

Maybe this

Is the end

The room is spinning and my mind is fuzzy

I'm losing control

I try to cry out in help

But no one hears me

My cry is silent

My frail body is slowly crumbling

But a strong voice still persists,

Strongly, loudly

Isn't this what you always wanted?

You're skinny

You're sickly

You're the skinniest of all

Why am I not happy now?

The tears blur my vision

And I reach in vain out for a scrap of paper

And something that writes in ink

With weak hands I uncap the pen and start to write

Gently, wobbly hands form letters on a page

I don't know

Who's going to miss me

I don't know

If there's anyone who cares

I don't know

If anyone will read this

I don't know

I guess I never will

But I'm dying I guess

I'll be dead by the time

You find me

If you still care



I can only really admit it now

As I lay down crumbling, dying

I had an eating disorder

It kind of consumed me

Mostly, entirely

I lost control

I hope no one else

Has to drown with me

My hand can't hold up anymore

The bones shine through my skin

I'm only skin and bones

Nothing else

A masterpiece of cuts and bruises

A victim of pain

I close my eyes

Tears pricking them

Because I know

I'm never going to wake up


*trigger warning*

this is an alternative ending to thin. this is what can happen when an eating disorder consumes you which happened to Elizabeth. i wrote the original ending the way it is because it is more optimistic, this is not always the way it ends, you can pull through it :) love you and thanks for reading the bonus chapters :) xxx

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