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"hey, mr. potter," sirius calls as he lets himself into the potter home. james' parents gave him his own key to the house, which was both a good and terrible idea. it was good because sirius was never wanting to spend much time at his own place anyway, but it was bad because he no longer had to ask permission to bother james.

james' dad looks up from his newspaper. "hey, sirius. james is upstairs."

"i figured," sirius replies, but instead of going up to james' room, he sits at the table across from james' dad. 

fleamont raises an eyebrow, putting his newspaper down. "is there something i can help you with, sirius?"

"i'm trying to talk james into doing a road trip with me," sirius sighs, "but he's not buying it."

fleamont hums. "you'll be able to convince him, sirius. you always have."

"no, i know..." sirius chews on his lip, absentmindedly pats his pockets for his cigarettes, needing something to do with his hands.

"james took your cigarettes again?"

sirius nods, sighs. "mr. potter...we want to do a road trip, but we don't have a car."

at that, fleamont smiles, gaze fond as he looks at sirius. "you want tchaikovsky, don't you?"

sirius shifts uncomfortably, not expecting to be asked so directly. "well -- we -- i --"

"sirius." sirius looks up; he hadn't realized he'd been playing with his key ring until he stops. "of course you can take tchaikovsky, kid. did you really think i'd say no?"

sirius blinks a few times in surprise. "are you serious?"

"yeah, dad, are you serious?" james' voice filters in from behind sirius, and he turns around, not having heard james come down the steps.

fleamont chuckles, shaking his head. "yeah, i'm serious. take tchaikovsky. he better not come back with a scratch on him, though." when sirius and james both nod, he downs the rest of his coffee and folds up his newspaper. "oh -- sirius." he turns around, digs through a drawer. "here. it'll help with the cravings." he tosses sirius a cherry sucker.

"seriously?" sirius calls to fleamont's retreating back.

"i can't believe you barged into my house and asked my dad if we could take his truck," james mutters. he maneuvers his way around sirius and to the fridge, pours himself a bowl of cereal. "want some?" he offers sirius a bowl.

sirius shakes his head. "i didn't barge in, i have a key," he reminds him." besides, i told you he'd let us take tchaikovsky." he's grinning wickedly, the sucker turning his tongue blood red. "damn it! we should've bet on it."

james rolls his eyes as he chews. "you're an idiot." 

"since i won the bet can i have my cigarettes back?"

"there wasn't a bet, si-si." sirius just snorts, and they sit in silence, james finishing off his cereal and sirius his sucker. "so."


james sighs. "where are we going for this road trip?"

the way joy spread across sirius' face makes james have to fight from grinning back. "are you serious?!" sirius yells delightedly.

"yeah," james laughs. "hell if i know why, but yeah."

sirius whoops loudly, and then he's hugging james, almost knocking his best friend out of his chair. "you won't regret it, i promise! it'll be so fun!"

james rolls his eyes, though he doesn't doubt it for a second. nothing is ever boring with sirius around.

- - -

"i think i've got it!" lily exclaims suddenly. remus, beside her, trying desperately to finish his math homework, looks up.

"the answer to number three? please save my soul."

"no, sorry," lily laughs, apologizing again when remus slumps disappointedly. "i meant the crazy thing i want to do after graduation."

"oh." remus pushes himself up to his elbows. "what was it?"

"let's go on a road trip or something." lily nudges him when he looks doubtful. "come on, remus. that would be so much fun. we could get one of those blow up mattresses made specially for cars, leave it in the backseat. i'd let you listen to twenty one pilots the whole time." that makes remus perk up.

"i'm listening."

lily is smiling. "we can take turns driving while the other person sleeps, and we can drink shitty coffee and just see what this world has to offer us."

remus has to admit it does sound fun, but what daydream doesn't? he half-laughs. "but back to number three."


"lily, my dad would never let me, and petunia would throw an absolute fit if you got to go on a road trip and she couldn't come with."

lily shakes her head. "i'll work it out with my parents."

remus sighs. "you have fun on your solo cross country road trip, then."

"i'll talk to yours, too."

"good luck with that."

lily pouts. "we have to do this, remus." her voice is very quiet. "everything will fall apart if we don't."

remus sort of understands what she means. "i know," he mumbles. he wants to, but he knows his father, and there's just no way.

"it'll work out somehow," lily says, and remus is pretty sure she could talk fate itself into doing what she asked if she really wanted to.

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