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"so," sirius says. they're stopping for lunch at some questionable looking coffee shop, and sirius is taking the exit when he says this.

"so," remus says back. sirius is still holding his hand, but he's staring out the other window, mostly so he can't see sirius' face.

"hey." sirius tugs on his arm gently, and remus knows he has to face him now. so he turns. "there you are," sirius beams, and god, remus feels like his stupid heart is going to beat out of his stupid chest. "so," he says again.

"you already said that," remus teases, and sirius gently pinches his side. "where are james and lily?"

sirius rolls his eyes. "james said they had to stop for emergency fun dip."

remus laughs. "sounds like lily."

"sounds like james," sirius responds, gaze fond at the sight of remus laughing.

"so what should we do while we wait?"

"we could make out," sirius offers.

"sirius." remus smacks his arm.

"what? we could."

"i'm not making out with you," remus replies, blushing.

"why not? i know you like me."

"stop!" remus whines, covering his face. "you're being a fart!"

sirius laughs loudly, tries to uncover remus' face. remus is being stubborn though, going so far as to curl up in a little ball.

"aw, come on, remus. you don't have to make out with me if you don't want to!"

"stop saying that!"

"what? make out?" sirius asks, a laugh in his voice.

"yes! it's...embarrassing!" remus' voice is muffled from behind his hands.

"oh, my fucking god! how are you so cute?" sirius demands, voice actually agonized.

"shut up. i am not," remus says back, finally uncovering his face. his cheeks are still flushed, sirius' new favorite color. he runs a thumb over the sweet boy's cheek, and remus nuzzles into his touch.

"god, you're perfect," sirius whispers. he doesn't mean to say that out loud, he really doesn't, but it seems like when he's around remus, all rational thought disappears.

"i'm going to bite your finger off if you don't stop."

sirius opens his mouth to respond when a knock on his window startles them both. when they turn, james and lily are at the door, grinning. remus can see that lily's tongue is blue.

"do you think her tongue is blue 'cause they made out after eating fun dip? or just because she ate fun dip?" remus asks.

sirius snorts. "both. hey, how come they get to make out and we don't?"

"shut up!" remus yelps, scrambling to get out of the car. he can hear sirius laughing even as he slams the door shut, and he makes his way over to lily and tucks himself against her side.

"what's wrong, re?" she asks.

"he wants to make out with me," he whines. james, overhearing him, laughs.

"jesus, sirius, at least pretend you have some chill before harassing the poor guy," he calls.

"i didn't harass him! i politely asked him if he wanted to make out. he didn't say no, you know. i mean, he didn't say yes either, so i didn't go for it." sirius adjusts the collar of his black leather jacket in the side mirror, pats his pocket. "shit. jay, can i have my cigs?"

"no," james answers.

"i don't make out with smokers," remus chirps, and everyone turns to look at sirius.

"wow. incredibly enough, i don't want a cig anymore. even more incredible, i don't think i ever want to smoke again. wow. what a time to be alive," sirius replies quickly.

"i think you killed his habit," james tells remus, who laughs.

"doing the lord's work," he responds, and james lets out a surprised laugh.

"i want more pancakes," sirius says as they walk into the restaurant. 

"sirius, we're at a coffee shop," lily says slowly.

"so? maybe they still sell pancakes," he says. he follows them inside, but his phone beeps in his pocket. he looks up at james, who's already staring back at him, looking concerned.

"is that reg?" he asks.

sirius swallows, expression pained. "uh, no. i, uh...i should take this." his jaw is tense as he looks down at his phone screen. 'mother' is flashing across the screen.

"no, don't," james says gently, the gentlest remus has ever seen him be to sirius. sirius almost looks afraid, and something about the expression on his face makes remus inch from lily's side to his, slipping his hand into sirius' free one.

"don't answer," remus says gently. the look on his face reminds him so much of the way he feels whenever his father says something particularly cruel, and he has the strange feeling that he never wants anyone to hurt sirius.

"okay," sirius says softly, interlacing their fingers. his hand is so warm and large, remus likes the way it feels. sirius still seems sad, though, too quiet. remus traces random letters on the back of his hand, but he doesn't lighten up at all.

remus nudges him gently. "we can make out if it makes you feel better," he half-jokes.

sirius raises an eyebrow at him. it's annoyingly sexy. "i only want to make out with you if you want to make out with me. you can back out at any time."

remus is blushing. "i...want to."

sirius grins now. "oh, yeah?"

"you're awful," remus whines, covering his face.

"that may be true," sirius smirks back, "but i'm the awful person you want to make out with."

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