s e v e n

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"so now for the elephant in the room," sirius says as they leave the restaurant. "whose car are we taking?"

"oh," lily says. they hadn't even thought about that part.

"i vote we take tchaikovsky," james replies. "it doesn't really make sense for us to drive two cars across the country if we're going to the same place."

"what do you think?" lily asks remus, and suddenly all of the attention is on him. he wills his face not to go red.

"um...well, it's your car, red," remus responds softly. "so the decision should be yours, i think."

"damn it. you know i'm indecisive, remus."

"so am i," remus laughs. 

sirius leans against tchaikovsky, silent. his eyes roam over remus appreciatively; the way he curls up his fingers into the sleeves of his sweater, and he chews on his bottom lip. he wants to be sure that whatever decision lily makes is truly the one she wants. 

"what if...what if something happens and we need to drive separately or something? like, what if something happens to your van?" lily questions.

"fair point," james says, but he frowns. 

"well...how about this?" sirius suggests. "remus and i will drive your van, lily, and you and james can ride in tchaikovsky. we can switch later, if you want."

lily smiles. "yeah...yeah, that sounds good to me. is that okay with you, re?"

remus feels like he's going to faint. "yeah...yeah, sure, that's okay."

"cool!" sirius grins, and remus follows him over to tchaikovsky. his cheeks go red when sirius opens the passenger door for him. "so," sirius says when he's in the driver's seat.

"so," remus says back. 

sirius shrugs. "what do you wanna talk about?"

"uhhhh...i don't know..." remus bites his lip. "tell me about your family."

sirius' grip tightens on the steering wheel. "i don't really get along with them," he says tersely, merging onto the freeway behind james and lily.

"i don't get along with mine either," remus responds in a small voice.

sirius looks down at him. his expression is gentle and fond, and something about it makes remus blush. "i have a brother," sirius adds. he doesn't know why he's saying this. he doesn't even like talking to james about regulus, but for some reason, he wants to talk about him with remus. "he's an idiot...just doesn't make good decisions. i love him, though."

"you have a brother! i wish i had one."

"yeah. i actually haven't heard from him in a few days. i should give him a call," sirius says thoughtfully.

remus is smiling, but he doesn't totally know why. he likes sirius, and that scares him.

"how did you and james become friends?"

sirius smiles. "he and i met at primary school. he made fun of my brother and i punched him in the nose." remus laughs. "best friends ever since."

remus can't stop laughing. "are you serious?"

"ask him," sirius says.

"that's incredible," remus laughs.

"what about you and lily?"

"we met in middle school. i was really shy, and awkward, and she sat next to me in english class. she asked me for my notes and we were sorta friends ever since."

"you really love her, don't you?"

"she's my best friend in the whole world," remus replies honestly.

sirius smiles, looking over at remus with a fond look on his face.

"what?" remus asks in a small voice. he curls up into a small ball in the passenger seat, intimidated by the fondness on sirius' face.

"you are something else, sweetheart."

remus wrinkles his nose. "what does that even mean?"

sirius laughs. "have you never been hit on, remus?"

"of course!"

"then why do you get so flustered when i hit on you?"

remus squirms a little. "i..." his cheeks go red.

"you what?" sirius chuckles. he puts a hand out for remus', intertwining their fingers. remus feels incredibly small in his hold, and it makes his cheeks redden more.

"i like you, remus," sirius says gently. he gives the smaller boy's hand a gentle squeeze. "you know that, right? you know that i like you?"

"i -- i --" remus stammers, shy. "i...no! how -- how should i have known?" 

"i tried to be obvious," sirius laughs. " i didn't mean to make you flustered or anything. i just...you're so cute. so cute. you're so soft. makes me just wanna hold you. protect you from everything."

remus tries to tug his hand out of sirius' just so he can cover his face, but sirius won't let go, so he attempts to cover his face with one hand.

"do you like me, too?" sirius asks quietly. he sounds somewhat worried, as if there was a possibility remus didn't. as if he didn't look amazing with his hair thrown lazily into a messy bun. 

remus doesn't trust himself to answer, but somehow he manages to whisper out, "yes," in a tiny voice. the wide grin that rips across sirius' face makes all the embarrassment worth it, though.

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