n i n e

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"so," sirius says, smirking still, the annoying little shit. "you wanna make out with me."

remus wrinkles his nose. "if you don't shut up about it, it's not gonna happen."

sirius pouts. he actually pouts, lower lip stuck out and everything. when remus cracks a smile, sirius exaggerates it even further until he laughs.

lily rolls her eyes. "sirius, chill," she laughs, and she loops an arm around remus' waist. she lets go of james' hand, falls back a little so she and remus are walking behind james and sirius. "are you sure you want to, like, kiss him?"

remus rolls his eyes. "i can make my own decisions, lily," he smiles. "yeah, i'm sure...he's annoying and makes me flustered...but he's really kind, and he..." remus blushes, "he likes me. and he said i can back out at any time."

lily nods, gives remus a squeeze. "okay, if you're sure."

"it'll be fine, red," remus consoles her gently. he knows lily is only looking out for him, and he loves her for it. 

"you ready to hit the road?" james calls back to them.

lily groans. "do we have to? it's so nice out." it is, too -- warm, but not too hot, and the sun is out. "can we just sit in a park somewhere for a little while? just, like, an hour?"

james already can't say no to her. "yeah, all right. why not?"

a bit later, they're all sprawled out, sun-speckled and warm. lily has her head in remus' lap and she talks delightedly to james about why summer is the best season. remus lays beside sirius, doesn't say anything. he delights in the feeling of sirius' hand in his, the way their fingers fit perfectly in the gaps between them. the sunlight is turning the inside of his eyelids red, and he was nearly asleep until lily moved.

"let's play frisbee!" she yells delightedly to them. remus just lets out a tired groan, flopping his head back on the blanket he's laying on.

"i'll stay here, too," sirius says with a dry chuckle, gaze fond as he looks down at sleepy, little remus.

remus opens an eye. "why are you laughing?"

"nothing. you're just cute." sirius' fingertip gently traces the tendon in remus' wrist, runs it up to the inside of his elbow. "you don't have to make out with me, you know."

remus opens both eyes now. "i know." he sits up so he and sirius are nearly nose-to-nose. he swallows hard, nervous. he's never done this before.

"it's okay," sirius whispers. remus tries to take a deep breath. "can i touch you here?" he asks, one hand hovering above remus' jaw, the other at his waist. remus nods, and sirius uses his grip to pull remus a bit closer, rests his hand there, thumb tracing remus' neck. "this okay?"

"yes," remus practically gasps.

"your heart is beating so hard," whispers sirius. he can feel remus' pulse, fluttering like a butterfly under his fingers.


"no, no, don't be. mine is, too." sirius lifts remus' hand, places it over his heart. remus' gaze goes softer at feeling how hard sirius' heart is beating. remus manages a shaky breath as sirius leans in closer. his eyelids flutter shut. "don't be scared."

"i'm n-not," remus breathes out. sirius is so close.

"can i kiss you?"

"yes," remus replies, and when their lips finally touch, he can feel that sirius is smiling. remus is overwhelmed almost from the second their lips touch, but he can't bring himself to pull back. he doesn't want to. and god, is sirius a good kisser -- and he keeps his hands where they are. his thumb is still tracing remus' skin, warm.

sirius breaks the kiss for a second to whisper out if he can touch remus' waist, and remus is so kiss-drunk he's nodding before sirius even finishes his question. sirius lets out a low laugh and pulls remus fully into his lap, kisses him deeper. remus isn't even sure when he looped his arms around sirius' neck, when he slipped his fingers into sirius' soft hair. he's so warm and smells so good, and not for a second does remus feel nervous or scared, which is so, so beautiful and strange. 

sirius' hands trace remus' sides, and remus feels tiny at how large his hands are. remus is trembling when the kiss is broken, and sirius holds him until it stops.

"can i kiss you here?" he asks, thumb touching a spot just under remus' jaw. remus nods, and is immediately laughing when sirius stamps a kiss there.

"that tickles!" he squeals, still laughing, and that forces sirius to leave a hickey there. he can't help himself, and some part of him feels a sensation of possessive pride at the little purple mark on remus' throat.

"was that okay?" sirius questions gently, hand gentle on remus' cheek.

remus manages a shy smile. "uh-huh...wow."

sirius beams. "you were right."

"about what?"

"making out with you did make me feel better."

"sirius!" remus gasps, hides his face in sirius' neck. sirius lets out a loud laugh and just holds him. it's honestly a bit terrifying how quickly remus has made sirius feel the way he does, but he wouldn't do a thing to stop it, if he's honest.

adventurous // wolfstar au ✔️Where stories live. Discover now