e i g h t e e n

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a/n: HI GUYS!!!!!! i hope you're all doing well! i'm so sorry. my work schedule has switched where i work from 1 until 9pm and my gf works from 8am to 2pm so we don't get to see much of each other :( i miss her :( and idk i've just been rly depressed and stressed and feeling guilty for not writing but here i am!! this chap will be extra long as a super duper mushy apology!! sorry that i am terrible i hope u can forgive me!!

ALSO!! this fic probably has about 1 or 2 chapters left :( buT! i'm writing another wolfstar!! (2 actually!) one called "little eternities" where remus and sirius are eternal and sirius struggles to find remus in the new lifetime, and one called "bookworm" where remus is a lil nerd and sirius is a giant dork who wants to impress him. bookworm takes place at hogwarts and i'm quite excited for it!!

"remus? babycakes, wake up." sirius' voice, a low whisper in remus' ear. remus lets out a loud whine and rolls over, which makes sirius laugh. "come on, sweetheart."

"fact about me," remus says in a tired voice. "i hate being woken up."

"even by your both adoring and adorable boyfriend?"

"especially by my both adoring and adorable boyfriend."

sirius lets out a heavy sigh. "well, you're awake now. get up, come on."

remus flips him off, but sits up anyway, rubbing his eyes. "why are you waking me up?" he whines.

"come on, remmy. we're going on an adventure," james' voice adds.

"an adventure?" immediately, remus is more awake. "where?"

"you'll see," james answers smugly, and remus groans.

"they won't tell me either," lily frowns, and regulus shakes his head, too, when remus looks at him.

grumpily, remus gets up and gets dressed. sirius refuses to answer any of his questions, only tells remus to wear swim trunks before grabbing a cooler and carrying it out to the van with james' help. lily follows, giggling, and regulus tries to jump on sirius' back, almost making him drop the cooler. he swats at regulus, but remus can tell he's so happy to be back with his brother, and a smile makes its way onto remus' face.

"you love him, don't you?" the voice startles remus, and he jumps. "i'm sorry, i didn't mean to scare you!"

"it's okay," remus gasps. james' mother is standing in the kitchen, smiling, wiping down the counter. "um, i'm remus. i'm sorry. i know you...you probably weren't expecting to have me here. i, um, i'll be out of the way as --"

"oh, no! no, love, don't worry, no one is rushing you out," she says quickly. something in her expression changes after remus says that, though, and she moves closer. "let me look at you," she says gently, and remus moves closer. she puts a hand to his cheek, and for some reason, the gentle gesture has remus' eyes welling up with tears. it's been so long since a parent-like figure has touched him with such affection, and it's almost too much. "you're safe here," she tells him, somehow knowing he needs to know that.

he wipes his cheeks. "i'm sorry," he says, flustered, and she just smiles.

"so. sirius," she says after handing him a tissue. "you love him?"

remus smiles despite the tears. "so much," he whispers. he can be honest with her, he can feel that. "it's like i'm drowning in the feeling."

she beams. "well, then," she responds, pleased. "i suppose we'll be seeing a lot of you then."

"if that's okay," remus adds quickly.

she puts her hand back to his cheek. "of course it's okay, remus. we want you here as long as you want to be."

adventurous // wolfstar au ✔️Where stories live. Discover now