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"i don't know how i feel about cinnamon roll pancakes," sirius states, glaring suspiciously at remus' plate.

"good thing you didn't order them then," remus grins cheekily, which surprises sirius. most of his shyness has disappeared, revealing an adorable, sassy, little shit. sirius quite likes it.

"aren't you a little brat," sirius says fondly. he pinches remus' arm, not hard enough to hurt, and the smaller boy yelps and bats sirius' hand away, giggling. when remus looks up, lily is grinning at him. he would roll his eyes if sirius wasn't staring at him.

"you can try some, if you want," remus offers, sliding his plate towards sirius.

"it just seems wrong to combine the two," sirius explains as he takes a small section of remus' pancake.

"that's not a valid point, you got red velvet pancakes," james points out. remus nods vigorously.

"he has a point," remus smiles.

sirius glares at james. "you stay out of this, potter. you were not invited to this amicable disagreement."

james snorts. "my b, si-si."

sirius' grip tightens on his knife. "don't get me started with the nicknames, potty."

lily snorts with laughter, which sets remus off. remus half-expects james to look annoyed, but he just laughs along with them, his gaze fond as he looks at lily.

"anyway, as i was saying, before we were so rudely interrupted," sirius continues, shooting a glare at james, "if i'm taking some of your pancakes, you have to take some of mine."

"but it still disproves your point," remus states. he cuts his bit of red velvet pancakes into small pieces and puts a piece in his mouth. "those are good!"

"right?" sirius grins. he hasn't touched his cinnamon roll pancakes yet. "but it's okay to mix pancakes and actual cake because they're two different things. cinnamon rolls and pancakes are both breakfast items. if you combine them, it's like ultra-mega-breakfast."

that makes remus laugh. "that sounds like the opposite of a problem."

sirius laughs, too. "yeah, i suppose so. still doesn't seem right, though."

"once you try them, you'll shut up," remus says confidently.

"so where are you guys headed?" lily questions. james looks to sirius to answer because he's drinking coffee just as she asks.

"we don't really know," sirius answers. "we're just kinda...driving. we wanted to go to california, i think. neither of us have been to disneyland, and i'm dying for some mickey ears." that makes remus laugh; it's a cute image. "what're you laughing for, cutie?"

"nothing. i just like disneyland," remus replies. he looks so soft and cuddly in his cozy sweater, sirius wants to hug his guts out.

"you guys should come with us!" james sounds excited.

"what?" lily questions, but she's smiling.

"come with us!" james repeats. he's beaming at sirius, who can't help but grin back.

"yeah," sirius replies, the idea growing on him. "come with us. come to disneyland with us."

"i..." remus hesitates, staring nervously over at lily. she has a smile toying at the corner of her mouth, and she stares back at remus. "can we...can we talk about it first, at least?"

"of course," sirius nods, smiling. "no pressure." he reaches across the table and steals at least half of james' chocolate chip pancakes. james lets out an enraged sound and tosses a napkin at him. sirius just laughs and dodges it.

"re, do you want to talk about it?" lily asks, "like, privately for a sec?"

remus nods. he gets up from the table, following lily over to a more private corner of the restaurant. "what are you thinking?" he asks.

"i kind of...want to," lily responds. "is that bad?"

"no," remus replies. "i love disneyland. remember when we went, when were younger?"

lily giggles. "yes! i've been wanting to go again...i actually was going to bring it up when we talked about our road trip, but i didn't want you to say no."

that makes remus laugh. "we can go. i think we can trust them. sirius..." remus' cheeks pink, "he...well, i trust him, anyway."

"i trust james, too," lily mumbles. she's blushing, too, and remus decides not to tease her for it this once.

"so we're going?"

"i guess so," lily says, smiling, and they walk back over to the table where james and sirius are heatedly arguing over the best kind of milk. "we're going to go with you," lily tells them, and the identical grins on sirius and james' faces make remus smile, too.

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