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"thanks for the ride," lily murmurs as they exit james' van. lily is so busy looking at james that she almost misses her step, and would've fallen flat on her face if not for remus, who catches her elbow. he gives her a pointed look and her cheeks go pink. "sorry," she giggles as she finds her footing.

"really, though," remus says. sirius looks over at him from the passenger seat, and remus fights to keep his cheeks from going red, too. "really. thank you." he looks sirius in the eye now. "for -- um -- for everything."

sirius grins. "no problem, sweetheart."

remus' cheeks finally go pink, and he pretends to cough to hide it.

"hey," lily finally says after the blush has receded from her face, "we owe you for saving our asses back there...meet us for breakfast tomorrow? our treat?"

james grins. "of course we'll be there."

"ihop? can we please have ihop?" sirius questions, and the puppy-like expression on his face makes remus bite back a smile.

"sure," lily shrugs after looking at remus, who couldn't care less.

"yes!" sirius punches the air in delight. "okay, cool! we'll meet you at ihop around seven, cool?"

"cool," lily nods, and james pulls off to park as lily and remus make their way into the motel. "they were really nice." 

remus rolls his eyes as he follows lily onto the elevator. "you just want to ride james' dick."

"re!" lily yelps, smacking his arm.

"ow," he frowns, rubbing the spot. "it's the truth!"

lily huffs, embarrassed. "as if you weren't thinking the same thing about sirius!"

"i --" remus is so caught off guard he can't find words. "i was not!"

"oookay," lily says disbelievingly, rolling her eyes. remus hadn't felt tired until they walked into the motel room and remus flops onto his bed.

"goodnight," he says with a yawn. half of his body is hanging off the bed.

"you're not even going to get fully on the bed?" lily laughs.

"goodnight," remus repeats, as if he hadn't even heard her, and lily laughs again.

- - -

"she was the cutest fucking thing," james is saying to sirius. sirius is half-listening as he pulls back thed duvet on his bed. "seriously, like her smile? like, fuck me up, dude."

sirius laughs. "you're so weird."

"fuck you, you probably didn't look at her. you were too busy drooling over remus."

"first of all, i don't drool, asshole, i'm not a dog. but if i did...he would be very drool-worthy."

james snorts. "and you said i'm weird."

sirius responds by chucking a pillow at james' head. "so you think lily's the bee's knees, so what? you think every girl is the bee's knees."

"stop saying the bee's knees," james pleads. "nah, i don't know, though. these two just feel...different."

sirius thinks about it. he pictures the relief on remus' face when he saved him from that creep, the way his face goes soft when he smiles. remus' face seems very serious, but it completely transforms when he smiles. it's all sirius can think about.

"yeah," he finally says. "they do."

- - -

"i'm so fucking excited for pancakes," sirius whoops as they make their way into the restaurant. james is not a morning person, so he's grumpy as hell, but sirius is in a ridiculously good mood. "what is up, carrot top?" he cheers at lily, and takes the spot next to remus, looks him up and down. "how's it hanging, hot stuff?"

remus looks at james. "is he high?"

james groans, rubbing his temples. "no. sirius is a morning person."

"it's not even that. i'm having some fucking pancakes this morning, fuck yes!" he rests an arm on the back of remus' chair. "you a pancake person, babycakes?"

"what even are these pet names?" remus questions, but he's blushing, which is sirius' new favorite thing. he just stares for a second, enthralled by the pink of remus' cheeks. "stop staring at me!"

"sorry," sirius says, finally finding shame, and he averts his gaze to the menu. he looks up, about to tell james to get the red velvet pancakes so he can have some, when he sees that he and lily are talking quietly. lily gave james her cup of coffee, which he drank as well as his own, so he's looking much more lively.

"yes, i am," remus says randomly.

sirius turns. "huh?"

"a pancake person." sirius raises an eyebrow; he forgot he'd even asked. "no one was saying anything, i had to break the silence," remus stammers sheepishly, and sirius just smiles.

"stop it," sirius says.

remus stops speaking, confused. "huh? stop what?"

"being so goddamn cute," sirius mutters, and remus' cheeks pink yet again.

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