s e v e n t e e n

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a/n: hi!! i'm SO SORRY for the gaps between updates, i've been having a bit of a rough patch and have not been motivated at all :( soooo to make up for it, this update is 1.6k words long!!! i hope u all like it i am actually pretty proud of it!!! also HAPPY PRIDE MONTH HOLY SHIT to all my gaybies!!!! i love u guys so much and am so so proud to be queer :) i hope u guys are all able to celebrate ur individuality this month!! i hope u feel loved and validated by ur friends and families!! and if ur not accepted for being lgbtq+ by ur friends/family it's ok bc i am ur friends/family now, i gotchu!!! ok i'll let u get on w reading now but i'm really REALLY sorry for the gap and i promise i'll update more!! i'm so sorry pls don't hate me! okay i love u guys bye!

remus wakes up on an unfamiliar couch, confused and bleary. he sits up, rubbing his eyes, and realizes he's in a hotel room.

"sirius?" he calls in a sleepy voice, but gets no response. he calls his name again, and when he still gets no response, he gets off the couch in search of him.

"oh, hey, remus," a voice calls, and he whips around, startled.

"uh...hi?" he says, voice soft and confused. he doesn't recognize this person, but after a couple of seconds he realizes that he looks a lot like sirius. "regulus?"

"yeah," regulus grins. when he smiles, he looks even more like sirius, and remus finds himself smiling back almost involuntarily. "you fell asleep in the car on the ride here...you were pretty out of it. do you even remember picking us up?"


"me, james, and lily."

remus shakes his head, and regulus laughs. "where are we? where's sirius?"

"ohio," regulus smiles. "halfway to boston. we stopped at a hotel to sleep."

remus nods. "i can't believe i'm just...going to boston," he mumbles. "i'd only been out of state once before the road trip..." he sits back on the couch and buries his face in his hands. "this is fucking nuts, regulus..."

"remus, it's gonna be fine," regulus says gently, sitting next to remus and slinging an arm around him. "sirius told us a little bit about what was going on...i think what he did was totally right. he wants to protect you. sirius has always been like that...he really does mean well."

remus leans closer into regulus. "i know...and it know he's probably right, too. i guess...i don't know, i'm a little scared, i guess."

regulus rubs his shoulder, smiling a little. "it's gonna be just fine. we'll all watch your back."

"thank you," remus mumbles shyly. regulus hugs him closer, and at the same time, the door opens and james, lily, and sirius filter into the tiny hotel room.

"remus!" lily cheers, bounding forward to cup remus' face in her hands and kiss his forehead. remus hugs her around the waist and leans his cheek against her stomach because he doesn't want to get up, and she runs her fingers through his hair. "i'm so sorry, remus."

"don't," he mumbles. "please."

lily just kisses the top of his head. she isn't sure words would be able to explain how sorry she is anyway, plus she knows things are going to be better from here on out.

when she lets him go, james comes over and gives him an affectionate hair ruffle and kisses the top of his head. "we're so glad you're okay, kiddo," he says kindly.

shoving james out of the way, sirius comes closer and squeezes in between remus and regulus, pulling his boyfriend into his lap. sirius glares over at regulus. "i see you trying to steal my boyfriend," he says, still glaring.

adventurous // wolfstar au ✔️Where stories live. Discover now