Chapter 4: First Day of School

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Tony had not seen Ziva since the day at the amusement park. It was now the first day of school, and he looked forward to seeing her then. Gibbs entered his room, sipping a cup of coffee.

"Have a great day at school today, kid". He said.

"Thanks dad. I will. Abby will finally see her boyfriend today, so I bet she's excited".

Gibbs nodded.

"Well, see you after school". Tony said, grabbing his backpack and heading out of his room.

Gibbs held out his arm to block Tony's path. "I want to talk to you about Ziva".

"Um-ok. What about her?" Tony asked.

"I know that you are a womanizer, but do not treat her like some ordinary girl. To say she's dangerous is an understatement. All her life she has been trained to give no mercy, and to break people well past their breaking point. If you hurt her, she will probably put a knife through your throat. Understand?"

Tony nodded.

"Oh, and one more thing. Since she's Israeli, she will probably get bulled about being a terrorist". Gibbs said.

"So you want me to stick up for her?" Tony asked.

Gibbs smiled, and sipped his coffee. "No. I want you to prevent her from hurting anyone if they do".


Ziva, Tali, and Ari walked into their new high school. They made their way to the office, and received their schedules. They compared schedules. Ari and Ziva shard the same PE, and Tali and Ziva shared the same Spanish 3 class. Other than that, they were on their own. Ziva silently prayed that Tony, Abby, and Kate had some classes with her.

Ziva and Tali walked to their Spanish 3 class together, and Ari walked in the other direction to his Calculus class.

Ziva scanned the room I her Spanish 3 class and spotted Tony talking to a boy. Ziva and Tali walked over to them.

"Shalom Tony". Ziva said, setting her backpack next to her seat.

"Shalom Ziva, Tali". Tony greeted. "This is my friend, McGee". He said, pointing to the boy he was talking to.

The boy named McGee shook Tali's and Ziva's hands. "I'm Abby's boyfriend, Timothy McGee". He said. "But you can call me McGee, or Tim".

The teacher walked into the room, and everyone fell silent. She walked up to the front of the room and began her class.

Tony was sitting in front of Ziva, and she realized that he was drifting off into sleep. When the Spanish teacher had her back turned, Ziva lent forward and licked his ear. Tony yelped loudly and shot out of his seat. Ziva quickly sat back down before the teacher turned around.

"¿Sí, Tony?" She asked.

Tony turned red in the face and glared at Ziva. The Spanish teacher switched her attention onto Ziva.

"Ehh, Profesora. Creo que una araña se a mordido".  Ziva said.

"You think he was bitten by a spider?" The Spanish teacher asked with doubt in her voice".

Tali spoke up. "Sí Profesora. Era una araña muy grande". She winked at Ziva.

"Very well then . Please sit back down, Tony". The Spanish teacher said.


After Ziva had her math class, she made her way to the cafeteria. She spotted Ari and Kate talking together, and walked over to them. However, she didn't get far when someone rammed up against her; knocking her to the ground.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the terrorist". The boy who pushed her said to her.

Ziva stood up and brushed herself off. "Watch where you're going". She said coldly to him.

"When are you going to blow up the school?" He asked sneering. "Let me know sweetheart so I can stay home. I don't want to be blown apart".

Ziva's fists clenched and she advanced towards the tall boy. Someone behind her held her back.

"Ziva! Just let it go. Ok?" It was Tony. "Get lost Chip". He said to the tall boy.

Chip didn't move. Instead he gave Ziva the elevator eyes. "C'mon Tony. You gotta admit she's smoking hot. Why don't we share her? It's not fair she's all yours".

At this, Ziva thrashed around and tried to break Tony's strong grip. "Let me go Tony!!"

"No Ziva! You'll get into trouble". Tony said urgently. "Get lost Sterling!"

Ari rushed over to help Tony restrain Ziva.

Charles (Chip) Sterling shrugged his shoulders and walked away. Ziva relaxed, and both Ari and Tony released her. She turned around with fire in her eyes and spoke fast, angry Hebrew to Ari.

Ari laughed. "Zivaleh, I know you are more than capable of killing him, but you can't do that in America".

They made their way back to their table, and ate their lunch. Tony unfolded his schedule to look at what class be had next. It was PE.

"I'll show you where the gym is". He offered to Ziva. She agreed, and together they headed towards the gym.


"Good afternoon class. To start the new school year, I want all of you to run a mile outside on the track".

Everyone groaned except for Ziva and Ari. They ran five miles everyday, so one mile was nothing to them. Ari and Ziva broke off into a sprint, and remained the same speed all throughout the mile.

As they neared the end of the mile, Ziva sped up to be next to her half-brother. They finished the mile at the same time, and high-fived each other. Tony stumbled past them, out of breath.

After the mile, the class played a game of dodgeball. Everyone was out except for Ari, Tony and Ziva. It was Ari and Tony against Ziva. Luckily for Ziva, all the balls were on her side of gym. She quickly strategized a plan, and got ready.

She threw a ball high in the air into Tony's and Ari's side of the gym. Tony looked up, and prepared to catch it. Ziva then threw another ball at him, and it hit him right in the stomach before he caught it. Ari rushed over to catch the ball that was in the air, but Ziva was ready. She threw another ball at Ari, and it hit him. The PE teacher blew the whistle, signaling the end of the game.


The rest of the day went well for all of the Gibbs and David children. Abby helped Tony with Chemistry, and Ziva helped McGee with Spanish. When the bell rang signaling the end of the school day, Ziva, Ari, Tali, Tony, Abby, McGee, and Kate all walked back to their lockers together. Tony noticed a group of cheerleaders glaring at the David's as they passed.

Jeanne, EJ, Zoe, Ellie, and Paula Cassidy were all cheerleaders, and had all dated Tony. Jeanne was the only one who wanted Tony back.

As Tony walked by, he could hear them whispering about terrorists and bombs. He was glad that Tali, Ziva, and Ari didn't hear.

They grabbed their things, and made their way to the front of the school to catch the bus.

Tony, Kate, and Abby said their goodbyes, and hopped into Tony's car. Ari and Kate hugged each other before Ari swooped down and kissed Kate on the lips.

When they separated, they looked into each other's eyes. They only broke eye contact when Abby and Tali squealed.

"Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!" Abby exclaimed. Tali and Abby hugged each other and jumped up and down.

"I knew you liked her, Ari!" Tali said to her older half-brother. "I knew it!"

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