Chapter 35: Club Española

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Gibbs and the four teens entered a tiny bar on the beach that sold popsicles and icecream.

"What would it be?" He asked the teenagers who had their noses pressed up against the class; debating which ice cream to get.

"Cookie Dough". Abby declared, pointing at the small tub of cookie dough ice cream.

"I'll take Nutter Butter". McGee said, pointing the tub with Nutter Butter flavored ice cream.

"Cookies and Cream". Tony declared, licking his lips.

"I'll have Lemon Sherbert". Ziva said.

Gibbs paid for their ice creams and they sat on chairs outside the beach shack. They gobbled up their icecreams, and went back for seconds. After their second helping of ice cream, Abby waved her plastic spoon in the air and cleared her throat.

"I say that we have an NCIS rant". She announced. "Just because I love to rant, and I love NCIS".

Tony grinned. "Ok, I'll go first". He rubbed his hands together. "Tommy and Lisa need to be together. They are perfect for eachother. He's less of a goofball whenever he's with Lisa, and Lisa is more soft whenever she's with Tommy".

Ziva chuckled softly. "I think they slept together". She announced.

Abby squealed and jumped up and down in her seat "Yes! Yes! Yes! At least someone else but me thinks so!" She exclaimed "They TOTALLY slept together. It's so obvious!"

Ziva beamed at Abby. "The Undercovers episode, and when Tibbs retired". Ziva said smiling. "Those two obviously hooked up".

"I actually don't think so". Tony said. "If they had slept together, then why is there so much sexual tension. Wouldn't the sexual tension be fulfilled?"

Ziva and Abby shrugged, and McGee spoke up. "What about Amy and McGregor? I know for a fact that they dated, but then broke up".

"Yeah". Abby sighed. "Those two were so cute together. Dysfunctional, but cute".

McGee was about to say something when an alert rang on Tony's phone. He looked at it.

"Ooh guys! A new interview was just posted about NCIS". Tony announced. He started to read out loud. "In a recent interview with NCIS Agent Lisa; we are sad to inform you that she is leaving NCIS and possibly never returning. Does this mean an end to Tisa? Sadly, yes it does. A new female Agent will take her place in the beginning of Season 11, but her name has not been released yet".

"NOOOOOOO!" Abby shouted. "NO! Please No!" Tears actually came flooding down her face. "My world has ended!"

Tony looked shocked. "No! They can't do that to us!! No more Lisaisms, no more Tisa, no more anything!"

"Why are they doing this to me!!" Abby cried, looking up to the sky. "WHY!!!!"

McGee tried to remain optimistic. "Maybe the new Agent will be good. Maybe even better than Lisa".

That, apparently, was the wrong thing to say. Abby stopped crying, and glared at McGee.

"Better...than...Lisa?" She hissed. "What the hell is wrong with you!!! There will be NO ONE better than Lisa! She is irreplaceable".

McGee threw his hands up in defense. "Hey, I'm just trying to remain positive". He defended himself. "I agree with you, Abs. No one is better than Lisa".

"It's a good thing we are going clubbing tonight". Ziva muttered. "I need a drink".

Abby sniffed and shook her head. "I think I'm passing on the club tonight. I can't function properly".

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