Chapter 19: Krav Maga

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It was now the end of February. Michael Rivkin had been ordered back to Mossad, and he left the day Tali was killed. It was now Monday, and Tony was driving Abby and Ziva to school.

The car door opened, and Ziva slid into the backseat. Tony peered at her from the mirror. She seemed to be well-put together. She no longer had heavy dark circles around her eyes, and her hair was straighten and styled into a tight, high ponytail. He noticed that Ziva was wearing Tali's necklace.

"How are you doing?" Tony asked, as Ziva slammed the car door shut.

"Better. You?" She asked.

"Fine. Excited for PE today. I heard that there is a special guest coming to teach Krav Maga today".

"I know". Ziva said, buckling her seat belt. "And you, Abby? How are you?"

Abby crossed her arms, and completely ignored her. Ziva sighed and rolled her eyes. "Alright then". Ziva said shortly.

Tony gave Abby a death glare, which Abby returned.


When the bell rang, Tony could barley hold his excitement. It was time for PE, and he couldn't wait to see his furry little Israeli kick everyone's ass. He spotted Ziva filling out of Pre-Calculus class, and hurried to her side.

"Sup Ziva. Ready to kick ass?" He asked, playfully elbowing her. To his surprise, Ziva laughed and elbowed him back.

When they arrived at the gym, Ziva's eyes scanned the room full of people to see who the instructor was.

She jumped when someone behind her spoke in her ear. "Zivaleh, my little lamb. How are you?"

Ziva whirled around and stood face-to-face with her childhood friend, Adam Eshel.

"Adam!" She yelled, and flung her arms around his neck; hugging him hard.

Adam laughed, and stumbled backwards. "My little lamb has gotten so big and strong!"

Ziva laughed as well, and broke the hug to look at him. "I had no idea you were going to be the instructor!"

"Neither did I, until twenty-four hours ago". Adam grinned. "But I accepted right away once I found out you were going to be there".

Ziva beamed and gave him many kisses on both cheeks. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the cheerleaders glaring at her, and whispering to each other.

Ziva chuckled, and whispered in Adam Eshel's ear. "Adam, can you do me a favor?"

"Of course my little lamb? What is it?"

"Do you see those girls over there, looking at us and whispering to each other?"

"Ahh, the ugly ones?" Adam whispered. Ziva giggled.

"Yes, Adam. Those".

"What about them?"

"Can you please pair me up with them? I've been dying to put them in their place".

"Of course, but I was hoping you and I could spar". Adam said, looking at Ziva.

"I would love to spar with you!" Ziva exclaimed. "We can demonstrate to show what sparring actually looks like".

Adam grinned. "Leave it to you to come up with all the good ideas".

The bell rang, signaling the start of the class".

Fifteen minutes later, everyone was paired up in groups of three. Tony, Abby, and McGee were paired together, and Ziva, EJ, and Zoe were paired together. Adam blew the whistle, and the sparring had started.

Zoe and EJ advanced towards Ziva, and in five seconds, they were on the floor groaning and moaning. Adam walked over to them, and patted Ziva on the back.

"Well done my little lamb. Is that a new record for you?" Adam asked, beaming at Ziva.

Ziva chucked. "Oh Adam, they don't count. They're amateurs".

From the floor, EJ and Zoe glared at Ziva. Zoe whined that her nail polish was chipped, and EJ complained that her arm hurt.

Adam rolled his eyes, and turned to Ziva. "You and I next?" He asked. Ziva nodded, and he blew the whistle.

Everyone stopped fighting and turned to look at Adam. He cleared his throat.

"Ziva and I go a long way back. She was my childhood friend". Adam grinned at Ziva, and continued. "Ziva and I were taught Krav Maga by the best of all of Israel. So, as a treat for you all, Ziva and I are going to show you what an actual spar looks like. No mercy".

Everyone cheered, and Adam led Ziva into the middle of the gym.

"You never know what to expect in Krav Maga. Everything is unpredictable". Adam explained. "There are many instances where there is more than one attacker". Adam then motioned another man from the crowd to come and join him.

Tony recognized him as Caleb from the day he took Ziva to the hospital. Many people oohed and gasped.

Ziva, Adam, and Caleb took their fighting stance. "Remember," Adam said. "No mercy".

Suddenly, Adam advanced towards Ziva with impressive speed. Before Ziva had time to process what was happening, Adam picked her up and rammed her up against the wall.

The class gasped as they heard the sound of Ziva's skull connecting with the stone wall.

With a grunt, Ziva hoisted her legs around Adam's neck, and squeezed; constricting him of oxygen. Gasping for breath, Adam released her, and she dropped to the floor. Ziva sprung back up, and kicked Adam numerous times in the groin, and the head.

Suddenly, Ziva felt Caleb grab her from behind, and threw her across the room with tremendous force.

Everyone gasped again as they saw Ziva being thrown like a rag doll.

Groaning, Ziva stood up, and resumed her fighting stance as Caleb and Adam circled her. With her eyes locked on Adam, she heard Caleb sneak up behind her. She kicked out, and her foot connected with Caleb's gut.

Caught off-guard, Caleb grunted and stumbled backwards. Ziva then advanced towards him, and kicked and punched him repeatedly in the head and groin. Once Ziva was satisfied that Caleb was in too much pain to continue, she turned her attention back on Adam.

However, Adam was much closer to her than Ziva had anticipated. With one swift movement, Adam slipped a long gold chain around Ziva's neck, and pulled. Ziva yelped with surprise, and struggled to get out of Adam's choking device.

The whole class held their breath as they watched Ziva yelping and thrashing around, trying to get loose of the gold chain.

Ziva did manage to get loose by reaching up, and shoving her thumbs in Adam's eyes. Ziva then ripped the chain away from Adam's lacked grip. Grabbing on to his right arm, she kicked him behind the knee. When Adam's knees buckled, she pulled his arm with all her might, and threw him sideways over her shoulder.

Landing flat on the ground, Adam grunted. He tried to stand back up, but Ziva was on top of him in an instant; punching him all over his body. Adam managed to block one of Ziva's punches, and flipped them over. Ziva was now under Adam, and blocking every single punch he threw at her.

Ziva wrapped her legs around his shoulders, and crossed her arms on her chest; pinning Adam's arms down on her chest. She raised her butt in the air, and forcefully flipped Adam over.

Adam howled in pain as both his shoulders dislocated.

Ziva sprung up, and resumed her fighting stance; ready for Adam if he continued to fight. He didn't. He remained on the floor, unable to stand because of his dislocated shoulders and possibly fractured arms.

Everyone cheered and clapped when the spar ended. Tony and McGee ran up to Ziva and hugged her.

"Nice job Zi!" Tony exclaimed.

"Thank you, Tony. McGee". Ziva thanked, through labored breaths.

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