Chapter 13: Laser Tag

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It was now November, and Tony was still going out with Jeanne. Ziva was still extremely jealous, but she didn't let it show. Tony, however started to actually fall in love with Jeanne. He found himself always thinking of her, and always wanting to spend time with her. Any thoughts of Ziva left his mind.
Kate and Ari's relationship grew complicated. They were constantly fighting, then making up. Because of this, Gibbs angrily told Ari that he was no longer allowed to date his daughter.

Today was Ziva's birthday, and they all met at a Laser Tag place to celebrate. Tony was the only one missing.

"Hey Kate, do you know where Tony is?" Ziva asked Kate while she slipped on her gear for Laser Tag. They were on Team Blue, while the opposing team was on Team Red.

"Honestly, I don't know". Kate said. Ziva's face fell, and Kate put her hand on Ziva's shoulder. "But don't worry. I'm sure he didn't forget". She added.

"How do you play this game again?" Gibbs asked, as he slipped on his gear.

Since Tony didn't show up, someone had to replace him. Gibbs was the obvious choice. McGee explained the rules to Gibbs for what seemed like the hundredth time.

As soon as they were all ready, Gibbs, Ziva, Abby, Tali, McGee, Ari, and Kate made their way into the arena. As they gathered at their home base, Gibbs spoke.

"Alright. We have a few minutes before the game starts. We should all create a Game Plan. Ziva". Gibbs turned to her. "Since it's your Birthday, what do you think we should do?"

Ziva took a deep breath. "Right. Each person should be one of the following. Snipers, Ambushers, or Defenders. Kate, Abby, and McGee are Defenders. You shoot the other team if they come into our territory. Tali and Gibbs are Snipers. Gibbs, since you were a Sniper in the Marines, you know what to do". Gibbs nodded. Ziva continued on with her plan. "Tali, all you have to do hide and shoot the other team. Ari and I are the Ambushers. We hide, attack, and move forward. Any questions?" Ziva asked.

Gibbs smirked. "Ziva would make an excellent Agent on my team". He thought.

Tali spoke up. "Why am I a Sniper, and not an Ambusher?"

"Because Ari and I have our Mossad training to help us. Since you never trained in Mossad, it would be best to keep you out of sight. Besides, being a Sniper is amazing. Just ask Gibbs". Ziva said.

Tali looked up at Gibbs, and he smiled at her. "It takes a special type of person to become a Sniper, Tali. You got what it takes". Tali beamed at what Gibbs told her.

"Alright, let's get into positions". Ziva said.

Gibbs and Tali left first. Gibbs crouched down behind a box, and got his Laser Gun ready. Tali went to the opposite side of their territory, and crawled inside a hollow cube. Once she was inside, nobody could see her. Then, Abby, McGee, and Kate roamed the perimeter of their territory. Their guns were aimed, and ready for anyone who trespassed. Finally, Ari and Ziva silently sneaked their way to the entrance of the Red Team territory. They hid from sight, and eavesdropped on the Red Team's conversation.

"I say we all go and invade. But we leave a couple of people here to defend". One man said.

"I agree, but I think we need more people to stay back and defend". A woman piped up. "We'll send the smallest people to be on the offense, and the bigger people on the defense".

Everyone murmured their agreement.

The woman spoke again. "Ok it's settled then. Emily, Mañuel, and Carla will be on the Offensive, and Bruce, Mele, Jared, and I will be Defense".

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