Chapter 34: Beach Day

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Ziva woke up feeling rather comfortable. Tony's chest was her pillow, and his fingers were absentmindedly playing with her hair. Guilt washed over her as she remembered their fight last night, and how he still comforted her even after she was mean to him. She lifted her head to look at Tony and smiled a small smile.

"I'm sorry for last night". She apologised. "I was a snitch, and you didn't deserve it".

Tony grinned. "You're forgiven". He said. "And the term is bitch. Not snitch". He added.

"Same thing". Ziva chuckled. She rested her head on Tony's chest again, as he continued to absentmindedly play with her hair.

Just then, the front door opened and closed, and Jenny called out. "I'm ba-ack! And I got breakfast!"

Tony realized just how hungry he was, and scrambled out of bed to see what was for breakfast. Ziva, Abby, McGee, and Gibbs were close behind them.

"Ok, so we have croissants, muffins, and bagels. We also have leftover ham from last night". Jenny announced as she sat the items down on the table. "So what will it be?"

Ziva and McGee reached grabbed a croissant as Tony, Abby and Gibbs grabbed bagel. The three of them grabbed a slice of ham from the paper-like package and put it on top of their sliced bagels. Jenny grabbed a muffin.

"You cannot believe how hot it is so early in the morning". Jenny declared, fanning her face with her hand. "We definitely need to cool off by the beach".

They all ate their breakfast quickly. They were eager to go to the beach early, and spend the entire day there. While the teenagers were eating, Jenny walked over to the tv, and turned it on.

It was a cop show. The catchy tune of the NCIS theme song played as the characters appeared on the screen.

Abby gasped. "NCIS! I love that show!" She exclaimed. "Who are you shipping the most?" She asked the group.

"I ship Tisa". Tony declared. "Tommy and Lisa just need to hook up, and get a room".

Ziva nodded. "I agree. Those two obviously belong together". 

Abby chuckled. "I ship both Tisa and McAmy". She said. "But McAmy more".

McGee sighed and shook his head. "I ship McAmy, but I think McGregor is so stupid for not admitting his feelings towards Amy".

"Yeah, well Tommy and Lisa aren't exactly the best at talking about feelings". Ziva intervened. "Especially Lisa". She added.

"True". Tony said. "And Tommy sleeps with every Bimbo he meets".

They stopped talking as NCIS started again. They all laughed when they saw Tommy searching through Lisa's desk for deodorant.

"Wait! Pause it!" Ziva shouted. Tony grabbed the remote and hit the pause button. Ziva got closer to the screen and laughed.

"Is that a condom in Lisa's desk"? She asked, pointing to a small, yellow plastic square in the desk drawer. 

They all looked where Ziva was pointing, and burst out laughing. "Nice, Lisa. Nice". Abby said, through tears of laughter.

"I wonder who the condom is for?" McGee wondered out loud.

"Maybe for Agent Tommy?" Ziva suggested, chuckling as she sat back down.

"YES!" Abby shouted excitedly. "Can that PLEASE happen!"

Tony laughed and pressed the play button. They watched as LJ Tibbs strolled into the bullpen; coffee in hand.

"Gear up". He said. "We've got a dead Marine".

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