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     I suddenly awoke in my bed before stasis was supposed to and turned off the wake-up time. The scene of yesterday kept on replaying itself in my head. I didn't want to kill him! It was just my predate instincts! It was like I didn't have control. Just my blood rage. I don't know if anyone saw it, but I really hope Neptune didn't see that. I flew towards the Basilicom and landed on the balcony. I walked inside, but I didn't see anything. The lights were off and I checked to see if I had night vision. The lights suddenly turned on and everyone jumped and yelled:"SURPRISE!!". To be honest, I didn't expect this. 

-"What's going on here?"

-"Neptune thought it would be fitting if we threw you a party for repelling the Lava Diamond attack yesterday." Blanc said.

-"I honestly didn't expect this coming." I said.

-"I didn't see where you walked off to at the end there but I saw you roar! That was cool! But where did you go after anyway?"

-"I-I-I went to chase a few more guys that got away somehow!"

-"Oh, okay, that's reasonable!"

     We partied all night. We were all pretty drunk at this point. The others flew back to their Basilicom, I insisted to carry them back since they were far too hammered to fly on their own. But they didn't even listen to me and flew anyway. Nepgear was already asleep, IF went home and so did Compa. Histoire wasn't even at the party. It got me a bit worried. That left me and Neptune alone. We decide to watch a movie. I picked out a random movie off the shelf and put it in DVD player. Apparently it was a horror movie that was interactive in VR. We both put on the headsets and pressed the play button. The movie was actually quite interesting. Neptune got scared a few times. But one scare where the face of the "true murderer" jumpscares you made Neptune jump and grab onto me. I turned off the movie and hugged her back. 

-"Don't worry, it's not real."

     She was still clinging to me. I held her in my arms softly. Then she spoke up.

-"You know, on the outside, you seem tough and resilient. But when you get hit emotionally is when you show how caring you really are."

-"I'm nothing special."

-"Don't say that! You're the first male CPU of Planeptune and you're the first person to get me to love you! You ARE special!"

-"Nowhere near as special as you."

     I decided it was time to get my smooth moves on.

-"Neptune, you're unlike any woman I've seen in my life."

-"You're making my heart melt like chocolate."

     We just sat there, hugging each other for the longest time until she spoke up.

-"I think it's time we go to sleep now."

     I looked at the time and it was midnight.

-"Alright. Goodnight Neptune."

     I engaged stasis and felt her hand grab mine as we fell asleep.


     I awoke to the sound of a crowd yelling something. Neptune was at the balcony looking over the edge. I walked over.

-"What's wrong?"

     She pointed to the edge of the city. It was the fucking Lava Diamond again, seriously? It seemed like they were not giving up on taking the city or getting revenge on me. I looked at Neptune.

-"Don't worry. It's me they want, please wait here while I take care of them."

-"You sure you'll be okay?"

-"Just as much as I'm sure that I love you."

     I smiled at her and flew towards them. She wouldn't be able to see me when I got there. I arrived at the city limits. They were furious but stopped when I approached. One man stepped forward. I landed and he spoke.

-"CPU Red Soul, we are giving you a chance to surrender before the attack begins. Accept these terms and we promise to not hurt you or loved ones."

     I walked up to the man.


     I stabbed him through his chest and everyone aimed at me. The body fell and they started firing at me. Like before, the bullets did nothing. I transformed and retaliated. I soon saw that they had brought a new toy. A cannon. They aimed at me, and before I could move, fired at me. It hit me straight in the chest but stopped right as it hit me. It fell to the ground in front me with a loud thud. The others looked scared and surprised. I kept fighting, destroying the cannons with one quick sweep of my tail. After 30 minutes everyone was dead. I saw someone else crawling away. I slowly walked towards him. I felt a little Deja-vu as I got right behind him. He was terrified. I looked at him while starting to open my mouth. WAIT! NO! NOT AGAIN!! I HAD TO RESIST KILLING HIM!! It was hard and I was fumbling all over trying to resist my predatory instincts. I roared in pain, not physically, but mentally. 


     The man looked confused more than anything. I was trying my hardest to keep my jaw shut and transform back.





     Finally. I transformed back and looked towards the man. He looked at me with confusion. I waved my hand toward him as a beam of light emanated from my hand and completely healed him. I walked to him.

-"Young man. Don't you think you've doubted yourself enough? Trust me. Join me and I'll personally guarantee you a ride home on every mission!"

-"Mister...I...I don't know how to repay you!"

-"And I know how. Join Planeptune's army. You'll never die from war for as long as you live."

-"Of course! I will! Thank you!"

     He had tears in his eyes as he ran towards the Basilicom to resign. I finally did it. I was able to overcome my predatory instincts and save him! YES! I would never let myself go too far ever again.

I returned to the Basilicom after gaining some more shares and went to bed early knowing that I had saved countless people, plus one today.

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