Chapter Thirteen

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"Willow!" Lui shouted. "Professor Nelson was-" "Just telling them to get back before the sun starts to really bother them." He lied right through his fucking teeth. Before I could argue, Willow grabbed both of us and pushed us into the school grounds. Professor Nelson walked away with a smug look. "So boys what happened?" The High Priestess asked. "We were just looking for..." "Jon..." Lui admitted aloud. I gave him a look. "What?" "He's alive! Nelson has kept him alive somehow and Luke!" Lui shouted. "Shh, shh. We'll talk about this in my room. Your spying and Tyler's visions might help us figure out something." "What?" Both Lui and I asked. "Why I sense darkness around the school at most, if not all, times."


"I wonder if this is in the Handbook?" I said as I flipped through the pages looking for "Red Fledgling" or "Red Vampyre". I had so many books surrounding me from the library. I read about Imprints and Consorts and I seriously would love to have that type of relationship with Jon. 

I gasped when I finally found a page on "rare vampyres or fledglings". It read very weirdly and I was worried for Johnny.

These types cannot be allowed in the sunlight, or they'll burn to death. They're also a lot more powerful than regular blue vampyres or fledglings. For hunger it has to be blood, unless somehow you brought back their humanity...

I skipped a few sentences.

To bring them back their humanity is terribly hard. You cast a circle or somehow bring them back with love, as Nyx says, "Always love."

"Love! I have to confess my love to... Jon." I got up off my bed, startling Deli, and started pacing. "But how? I'd be too nervous. I mean I'd do it for him anyway. Or to get Jon back we can cast a circle and I can sorta, kinda, confess my feelings..." As I babbled on they're a few knocks at my door and voices. I opened the door to find Tyler, and Craig on the right side and David and Lui on the left. "What?" "I had another vision." Tyler said. "And we got some good ass info." Lui said. I let them in and waited for the explosion.

"So lemme go first." Tyler said. He explained to me about what he saw from Jon's point of view, and what he felt, and about them planning to kill me for someone's power, Nelson's. Then Lui and David started talking. Which was scary because they actually witnessed everything. "So we actually heard Jon, and Luke, but Jon sounded like him and not some monster. And he and Nelson fought over you sorta like, I don't know... Daivd?" "Sorta like Jon was defending ye, and Nelson was being a douche and wanting to kill ye, and he's gonna force Jon on you. Not in a sexual way though." My face flashed red and I snapped. "STOP!" I yelled and the force actually knocked down David. He looked up at me startled. "Shit I'm so sorry! I-" "No, its fine." He said getting up. "I shouldn't have said that." He tried standing up by himself but wobbled and fell on the bed. I sighed, "Which element hit you?" "Spirit. Real hard too." "David I'm-" "Stop apologizing Evan." He snapped. I sighed as he got up to leave with Lui. "Just watch out for him Evan." David warned.

"See ya man." Tyler said. I looked up at him. He looked tired, like he hadn't slept in days, weeks even. "Take care." I said and bro hugged him, as him and Craig left. I sat back on my bed and saw Deli on Jon's bed. Old bed. I shook off my thought and continued through the books. I wanted to find out how or which specific circle to cast to get our Johnny back.


"The school's throwing your pyres tomorrow." Nelson said. "Really? Who's doing what?" "Well your gay ass friend, Evan, is casting a circle with David as fire, Lui as air and I don't know about Earth and Water. Evan also has an affinity for all elements." "Woah." I mumbled and tried not to rip out his eyes for saying "gay ass friend". "What was that Jon?" Nelson asked. "Terribleeee." I slurred. He dismissed Luke and I to our "rooms" and would come up with a plan for tomorrow. Tomorrow is Evan's death date. My thoughts started out nice but then they'd go creepy because of what I am now, there's no way I can go back. "I betcha Evan would do something..." I mumbled before my disgusting thoughts took over. Just blood, gore, guts, death, pleasure for me, pain for the other.

"Jon, Luke!" Our names were shouted. "I have a plan!" Nelson shouted. "Now Jon, you'll be at the east wall where Evan is doing his casting. You'll attack Evan and kill him instantly." I nodded. "Luke you'll take out anyone who gets in our way." He looked back at me. "Now, you'll slit his throat so I can absorb his blood for the power of Darkness!" Nelson threw up his hands and cheered. Luke started cheering too, but I just stood and smiled. An evil smile...


"Why didn't you tell him the part about Jon eating him and then us blowing up into white from everyone yelling and running or whatever?" "Because Evan can't take that shit right now Craig. He's got a full moon ritual to plan for Jon's pyre." Craig mumbled "sorry" and laid down. "Its alright Craig, you've been amazing." "Thank you." He replied. "And I have on weird thing to state." "What is that?" "You taste delicious." We both started laughing as my phone dinged. I picked it up. "Ready for tomorrow! :D" Evan texted. I smiled and looked at Craig before turning off the light. "What?" He asked. "This pyre better be amazing for Evan." Craig smiled and laughed. "Yeah, for Jevan." "What the hell is "Jevan"?" "Oh I mixed their names together 'cuz its cute." We both laughed as we slept ahead for a, hopefully, good funeral pyre for our undead friend.


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