Chapter Thirty

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I felt really fucking tired but a huge feeling of worry hit me. I instantly got up. It had to be Evan's feelings, I wasn't worried about anything. Evan's soul wasn't shattered and we were together, but he wasn't in the bed. I wondered around the mansion, using my senses. Evan just opened the front doors, walking in with a frown. "Why were you outside? The sun's out!" I asked, looking all over Evan for any marks. I only found his tattoos. "It's fine Jon, its just..." "Nelson." I finished for him. "What about Nelson?" Another voice joined ours. "Good morning Nephthys." I said greeting the High Priestess in the usual vampyre greet, the forearm grip. "Good morning Jonathan. Merry meet Evan." She smiled as they bowed to each other. "Take a seat boys, we need to talk." 

I sat down beside Evan on the love seat, Nephthys across from us in a small recliner. "So, what about Nelson?" Evan looked at me and back at the vampyre. His eyes were filled with fear as he talked, "Nelson, when and if he figures out I'm alive, he'll want my power, and now that Jonathan's a Warrior he'll want that power too and if he kills one of us it'll tear the other one of us apart. But I think he'll also go for Brock, David, Lui and Tyler, do to their affinities and Tyler's goddess given gift." As Evan continued talking I noticed a change in his tone. Yes, he was worrying, but he looked so grown up, he looked like a High Priest. I squeezed my thigh once the thoughts started pouring out. I could see myself tracing his tattoos with my tongue, whispering, "You're my High Priest alright, and I'll make you feel like one." I shook the thoughts when Evan tapped me in the arm. "So, do you think we should go back?" Both Evan and Nephthys looked at me. "To help the House of Night of Toronto, yes, I think we should go back. Go back to protect our home." Nephthys smiled and got up, Evan's eyes sparkled as he smiled at me. "Tell the other boys." The High Priestess said before going to pack her bags. 


I woke up beside Tyler, all warm and cozy. He looked terrible, he was probably not used to sleeping in the morning now, he was human. "Hey, we gotta pack our bags, we seriously need to get back to the school." Jon whispered and left instantly. "Jon wait." He cracked the door open even more. "Sup?" "I need to talk to you about something." "Anything." "Tyler and I... just promise you won't tell anyone." Jon grabbed my pinkie and tied it with his and giggled, "Pinkie promise." "Jon seriou-" "My pinkie promises are the most saved and are the most serious." I laughed at Jon's seriousness. "Anyway, Tyler and I are... Imprinted. It happened after the fight where Evan's soul shattered." Jon winced at the memory of Evan on the ground pretty much lifeless. "Were you hurt?" I nodded. "And he was instantly there shoving his cut wrist into my mouth, after that there was a knock at our door and his cut healed fast so I knew that's what it was." "And you can't break an Imprint unless one of you dies or one of you fucks someone else?" "Yes, but Jon?" "Yes?" "I don't wanna loose this Imprint with him." Jon smiled, I could see the understanding in his eyes with Evan. "I understand man. I totally understand." 


"Oh my Goddess. How many more plane rides!?" I whined. Jon just laughed, "Dude, we took the school's jet." "Wholey shit! They have a jet!" I smiled like a child getting a Nintendo 64 for Christmas. Jon laughed his signature laugh at my childishness. "What?!" I pouted, almost sounding like Lui when he was pouting in his squeaker voice. Jon just shook his head and laughed as he put a few more things of ours in the bag. He zipped it up and kissed the frown off my face. He grabbed the bag and my hand. "Ready to go?" Nephthys asked everyone in the living room. We all nodded, "Lets get home, back to where the shit pot is still brewing." Tyler said. 


"How long do you think he'll be wasted?" I asked Luce. "I don't know Brock, I don't know how blood affects him." Luce answered with a shrug. "Wait, your gift is electricity right?" She nodded. I grabbed her hand, I saw the little blush on her cheeks. "Now, think about the electric cords in the tunnels, and I'll think about the dirt collapsing and we'll trap Nelson in for a while. " I smiled at her. She laughed, "Fuck yeah." She squeezed my hand as I whispered to Earth. I felt Luce's fingers warm under mine. I could see the tunnel's dirt. I could sense it, I told it to collapse. I felt the power lines too, I could see them ripping down the dirt with it. I smiled and let go of Luce's hand. "We did." She smiled. We. I thought of the word a little longer than I should've.

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