Chapter 3: The Train

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My family and I are now at kings cross station. We are really confused on how to get to the platform. Luckily, we found a family that was talking about 'muggles'. I walked up to them and asked them how to get on the platform.
The short plump lady I was talking to said,"You must be a first year! Is this your family? They look absolutely wonderful! I'm guessing you're the first witch in the family. Okay you walk straight for the barrier between nine and ten." The lady turns to my mom and says,"Hi I'm Molly Weasley! My family is pureblood but we don't talk about it much! Are you proud of your daughter for becoming the first witch of the family?"
My mom says," I'm Cherise. Alvin and I are very proud of Ali. After we got her books, she automatically started reading them all. I really hope Robert turns out to become a wizard even though he hasn't shown any signs of weirdness yet! Ali says the potions book is her favorite!"
I ran in between the platforms thinking 'mom not again!' My family and the Weasleys followed behind me.
My mom and Mrs. Weasley were still talking and I handed my stuff to the person loading things on the train. I walked up to my sister, developed her in a big hug and said,"Gonna miss you Rachel! I'll write every month I promise! I can't believe I'm gonna miss your 16th birthday! Love yah sis!"
"Ali remember to keep singing and get over your stage fright for me. Okay? Oh and when you write me send me your drawings that you draw of Hogwarts okay? Love yah too sis" Rachel and I have that bond in real life actually. She's turning 19 soon :( .
I then walked over to my brother and said,"Stay annoying for me Robert! See yah in June."
He didn't respond. The little brat.
I hugged my mom goodbye and kissed my daddy on the cheek. Then I walked in the train. Just to clarify Ali's age in this point of the story. She is ten. She will turn 11 on October 3(my actual bday!). I realized in the middle of making this chapter that if I made her 11 from the beginning, she would turn 12 a little over a month after term starts. Lets get back to the story!
I'm in a compartment by myself, reading my books and practicing spells on a piece of paper. After a few minutes of doing this, a bushy brown haired girl with big teeth opened my compartment door.
"Hello! Have you seen a toad? Neville's lost one," said the girl.
"No I haven't but I can join you in your search if you like? All I'm doing is reading my books and practicing spells," I tell the girl.
"I'm Hermione Granger, the first witch in my family. What's your name," asked Hermione. "I'm Ali Graves. Also the first witch in my family. It's typical for me to be studying since in Manchester, the Graves' were always known to be really smart. So when we figured out that I was a witch my mom said 'Ali. I need you to prove at Hogwarts what the Graves are made of'," I told Hermione.
Hermione then said,"Before we go though, can you get changed I have a feeling we are getting close to arriving at Hogwarts."
I responded with,"Sure! Just close the compartment door and I'll get changed!"
I got changed and left with Hermione to ask other students about the toad.
The second compartment we went to had a boy with slick back blond hair, and two thug looking guys beside him. Perfect description of Crabbe and Goyle! I immediately recognized the blond so I looked at Hermione begging her to speak without me.
"Have you seen a toad? A boy named Neville's lost one," said Hermione.
The blond looked at me and said, "HEY ITS THE MUDBLOOD THAT BUMPED INTO ME AT DIAGON ALLEY! Boys, let's give her the pureblood greeting to a mudblood. Luckily he didn't realize that Hermione was a mudblood too. He walked up to me and punched me in the nose.
I ran out crying with my hands over my nose. I ran into a guy with curly black hair and tanned skin.
"Umm. Hi! Didn't see you there," the boy told me.
All I could manage to say was," OUCH I HATE THAT BLOND HE HIT ME......ouch"
"Oh no! Here let me help you. I'm Ethan by the way. My last name? Werdam," said Ethan.
Ethan gave me a tissue and said,"Keep that in both of your nostrils until they stop bleeding altogether. Stay in my compartment until then. Okay?"
I walked into his compartment and there were 4 people other than me and Ethan.
Ethan suggested toward a girl with blond poofy hair, blue eyes, and really white skin. "This is Haru Taylor."
Ethan then suggested to a girl with pink hair, hazel eyes, and medium toned skin. "This is Kisa Meister. The literal cutie of our group. Also the first our of two metamorphigie in the group.,
Next he suggested toward a girl with green hair, hazel eyes, and pale skin. "This is Vale Arthur. The second metamorphigus in the group. Don't get on her bad side or she will cuss you out."
Finally he suggested toward a guy with dirty blond hair, green eyes, and kinda tan skin. "This is Pheonix Taylor. Haru's cousin. He loves to skateboard, but hates most sweets except some candies and all peppermint. He is pretty quite so he doesn't really say much."
"Tell us about you," said Ethan.
"Well I'm a Libra. I love learning. I hate people who say I'm lying when I'm not. I have stage fright but I love to sing. I'm a mudblood. I never really had friends went I went to regular school for muggles because I didn't fit in. I never tell a lie.

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