Chapter 13

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I spent the rest of the day in my room studying.
"Ali! Emily!" yelled my dad from downstairs,"Dinnertime!"
I walked out of my bedroom and followed Emily into the dining room.
The dining room was decorated in a very traditional style. There was a huge table that could seat about 20 people.
Emily and I sat down at the table. Dad came in wearing an apron that said Professional Beater and a Cook.
Dad was holding a pot of soup in his hands. He set the pot down on the table and went back into the kitchen to get plates and silverware. He came back in with seven bowls, and seven spoons.
"Dad there are only three of us living here. Why are there four extra bowls and spoons?" I asked dad.
"Because your mom, step dad, and two of your half siblings are coming over for dinner. I invited them to dinner and for them to stay the night over the holidays so we don't get lonely." dad responded.
There was a knock on the door and dad went to answer it.
"Ali. What are they like? I've never met them before." said Emily.
"They are wonderful! You might not get along with Robert though. I never did get along with him. You will really like Rachel. She is fifteen and really supported my drawings and singing when I lived with them. Mom is really nice. She has inspired me the most throughout my life. You will love mom's husband! He is caring and loving." I told her.
Mom, Dad, mom's husband, Robert, and Rachel walked into the room. Everyone except for Dad sat down at the table. Dad gave everyone, including himself, a bowl and spoon. Then he gave everyone some soup.
"So Ferdinand. Thanks for inviting us to stay here. Do you have the room for us?" asked Mum.
"There is a guest house behind the Quidditch Field. You guys and stay there." said dad.
Everyone started to eat.
"Mom, how has it been at your house? Are Robert's grades good so far?" I asked.
Mom looked at me and said,"At my house, it's been pretty quiet since you left for Hogwarts and moved here. Robert's grades have been excellent. How is Hogwarts?"
"Hogwarts is great mum. There are so many things to do. Ali has to go to quidditch practice every Thursday. I hang out with friends in front of the black lake after classes are done for the day. Ali has friends too. Her friends are Ron Weasley, Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ethan Werdam, and Haru Taylor. Ethan Werdam is also her boyfriend. Every Wednesday night they go out side and look at the stars with Professor Dumbledore's permission.
Ethan asked Ali out during breakfast on her birthday." said Emily.
Robert said while pointing to Emily,"Mom. Who is she?"
"Robert. Meet my twin sister Emily. Emily meet the people i have lived with for the past 10 years." I said.
After dinner, everyone went to where they were going to sleep. I luckily remembered the way to my bedroom. I walked into my bedroom, put on my Betty Boop pajama pants and a tank top. I climbed into my bed and fell asleep.
Dumbledore was gone. I had somehow gotten into the forbidden forest. Professor Quirrell walked up to me with his wand raised. My wand was up in the castle, besides I'm not allowed to cast a spell on a teacher. "CRUCIO!" he yelled.
I fell to the ground in pain.
I heard a voice say,"Now take her! She will be valuable to us."
-end of dream-
There was a man above my bed. I recognised the man. That wasn't a good thing because the man was Professor Quirrell.
"Daaaad!" I screamed
The door to my bedroom slammed open and my dad was standing there.
"Get away from my daughter." said my dad.
"Hurry up and kidnap her. You fool!" yelled Voldemort.
Dad pointed his wand at the professor.
It was too late. Professor Quirrell had grabbed a hold of me and aparrated away.

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