Chapter 19

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     After a few more puzzles, we reached a room with a mirror.
    "Professor, why are we here?"
I ask.
   Professor Quirrell looks at me and says, "I'm here to grab something for my master. He says you will help me."
      "No!" I yell, "I will never help the dark side! You can't force me!"
     I hear a familiar cold voice say, "She will come around until then she stays here! She will take her exams in here!"
       "Yes my master. She stays here" says the professor.
     Professor Quirrell leaves the room and the door closes behind him. I run up to the door and I try to pull it open but it doesn't budge.
     "It's locked!" I yell.
I sit down where I am standing and I start to cry.
    "I-im stuck in here! I-i'm still not going to help him s-so I guess I'm stuck in h-here."
-a couple hours later-
     I walk over to the mirror. In it I see a family. On the right is a woman who looks exactly like me. On the left is a man who looks exactly like Draco. Below them are three kids. They look like mixed versions of me and Draco. The youngest is a little girl with Draco's nose, face shape, and eye shape. The girl has my eyes and my hair colour.
   The oldest is a boy that looks like Draco but has my eyes. The middle child is a girl that looks like a perfect mixture of me and Draco.
     I hug the mirror and I start crying again. I hear the door open and hear some footsteps coming toward me.
    "I saved you some food. My master doesn't want you to die before you help us."
     "T-thanks." I say.
Professor Quirrell sets a plate of food on the ground and leaves.
     I pick up the plate of food and I put it on my lap. On the plate is some turkey and French fries.
     I start eating.
After I'm done eating, I find a comfy spot on the ground and I fall asleep.

Ali Graves: The Muggleborn (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now