Chapter 16

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"Ali, my child, wake up. You have to leave to go back to Hogwarts today"
"Okay daddy." I say.
I get out of bed. Dad walks out of the room so I can get dressed. I change into my Hogwarts uniform. Then I gather all the luggage that I had packed yesterday evening. I walk downstairs and out the door. I sit down in dad's Lamborghini. We drive to the train station. I run through the brick wall and get on board the train.
I see Draco and he motions me to sit with him. I sit down in his compartment.
"Hey Ali. I'm really sorry that I punched you at the beginning of the year. My family just always taught me to be rude to people who aren't purebloods. Do you wanna be friends? I'll even let you continue hanging out with the friends you already have." Draco says to me. He holds out his hand so I can shake it.
I shake his hand and say,"Sure!"
Crabbe and Goyle watched this progress.
"Hey Crabbe, Goyle? Can you go to a different compartment for the rest of the way to Hogwarts?" Draco asks.
They nod their heads and leave.
"Sooo...... Ali. Tell me about yourself."
"Well, I'm a Libra. I love to sing but I have stage fright. I also really like to draw. Ever since I figured out that I am witch, I have been really happy. I don't like it when people tell me I'm lying when I'm not. I have 5, now six friends. I live with my dad and sister in my dad's wooden mansion. I want to grow up to be a professional beater like my dad." I tell Draco.
"Cool. Well. I'm obviously a pureblood. I really don't like the way my dad does things. Since both my parents are death eaters, Voldemort expects me to be just like them. The truth is, I don't want to be a death eater. I love being in Slytherin. Everyone in that house understands me. I'll probably get in trouble for becoming friends with a half blood. Especially one that is friends with Harry Potter. Oh and your pajamas are really cute." Draco tells me.
"Draco that will be the last time you see me in pajamas just so you know." I tell him.
Draco blushes and says, "I wouldn't mind if it wasn't the last time. You look really cute in pajamas."
"Draco, you know I have a boyfriend right?" I ask.
He nods. "Sorry. It's the truth though. You look really cute in your pajamas." he tells me.
"I didn't know you were into betty boop, Ali." he says.
The conversation got surprisingly more awkward then that.
"I have something to ask you Draco. Why are you so mean to Dobby?" I ask Draco.
"When I was a toddler, I saw my dad yell at Dobby. My first words were actually 'No you stupid elf.'" He tells me.
"Nice Draco. My first word was daddy. What I didn't know at the time is the person I was calling daddy wasn't my biological father. I still really love my stepdad though." I tell him.
The train starts to slow down.
I try to pick up my luggage, but couldn't.
"Umm. Ali? Do you need some help?" asks Draco.
I nod and he gets it for me. Oh god! What have I done to Draco?!? And at the top is a picture of Ali, AKA me. All I had to do to get a picture of Ali was take a selfie. I'm not joking

Ali Graves: The Muggleborn (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now