Chapter 10

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I woke up in the Hospital Wing with Ethan, Haru, Harry, and Ron surrounding me.
"What happened," I asked.
Ron smiled at me and said,"Professor Quirrell said you fainted while in his classroom. He showed you a spell and I guess you thought it was soo mind boggling that you fainted and hit your head on one of the tables in his room. He immediately brought you to the Hospital Wing."
I immediately remembered what happened with Professor Quirrell last night.
"Oh yeah! The spell that can erase people's memory," I lied.
I lied because I remembered that I would not be in danger if I didn't tell anyone.
"Hey Ali. I brought you flowers," said Ethan.
Madam Pomphry walked over to us and said,"Shoo! Out! Her head needs to heal! Especially after she cracked it open!"
I felt my forehead and realized that there was a cloth wrapped around it.
Madam Pomphry handed me a potion.
I drank out of it, but almost spit it out.
"What did you expect? Apple juice?"
"No," I said.
"Now you are going to stay here for a few days, so I can make sure your head heals properly," said Madam Pomphry.

I continued to drink the potion.
YECH! It tasted digusting!
"Madame, what is this potion called?"
"Ali. Do you really need to know what the potion is called right now?"
I shook my head.
-the next day-
I woke up in pain. "Ugh," I said.
Madam Pomphry ran over to me and said,"good morning! How are you feeling?"
"I feel horrible. My head is killing me," I told her.
"Dear, that means that your head is healing properly. Tomorrow we shall take off your bandages and you will be allowed out of the Hospital Wing."
"Madam? Can you tell me what day it is?"
"Why it's November 3rd! And you woke up exactly three days after you got sent here!"
The doors swung open and my dad was standing there.
"Sir," said Madam Pomphry,"Visiting hours don't start until 9:00 am! It's 8:55 am! You have to leave!"
My dad looked at her and said,"But madam! I have to see my daughter! I've been waiting to talk to her for two days!"
"Fine," said Madam Pomphry,"you can see her."
Dad walked over to the bed I was laying on and sat down in the chair beside it.
"Ali. Don't you ever do that to me again! I thought you were a goner for 24 hours of my life!"
"Dad! I'm fine! I'm just in a little pain right now."
Being the protective dad, he yelled for Madam Pomphry.
"Is something wrong?" asked Madam Pomphry.
"Yes! Terribly! She is in pain," said my dad.
"Sir. That is only a sign that she is healing properly. Now I must go back to work."
I giggled a little. Five minutes later, Professor Dumbledore walked in. He walked over to me and my dad.
"Hello Ali. Are you feeling okay," asked Professor Dumbledore.
I nodded.
He looked at my dad and said,"Hello Mister Graves. How has your day been so far?"
"It's been pretty good. Now that I know for sure that Ali isn't a goner. How 'bout yours?"
Professor Dumbledore then said,"It's been horrible so far. I figured out that Allyssa Owens and Clarissa Monalco have been sneaking into the forbidden forest. Had to write their parents to come as soon as they could. Their parents haven't arrived yet. I also figured out that Allyssa Owens has been using the Crucio curse. The Sorting Hat should've put her and Miss Monalco in Slytherin. Should really break both of their wands."
"I agree with those last two statments," I said to Professor Dumbledore.
The rest of the day was pretty boring. People visited me. Madam Pomphry checked on me. I went to sleep pretty easily. The dream I had was absolutely horrible though.
Devin walked up to me. We had just lost another quidditch match.
"Ali! I told you to practice hitting a bludger! This game your aim was absolutely horrible! You should practice a lot more!"
Everyone around me started to laugh.
Professor Quirrell walked up to me with his turban off of his head.
"I no longer trust you," said Professor Quirrell. I heard a voice say,"Kill her! She knows too much to live on!"
Professor Quirrell raised his wand and said,"Avada Kadavra!"
There was a flash of green light.
-end of dream-
I sat bolt up right in my hospital bed and took deep breaths. "Madam Pomphry," I said.
Madam Pomphry ran over to me. "Ali. Are you alright?"
"I had a nightmare. It was absolutely horrible."
She looked at me and could tell that this nightmare was really bothering me.
"I shall get Professor Dumbledore down here to see you straight away."
I sat there in silence for two minutes.
After two minutes, Professor Dumbledore burst into the room and ran over to me.
"Ali. What was your nightmare about?"
I didn't say anything. He looked at me and asked Madam Pomphry if he could bring me to his office.
"Of course! As long as it will get this nightmare off her mind."
Dumbledore led me to his office. "Now tell me what your nightmare was about."
"In my nightmare, my quidditch team had just lost another game. Devin started yelling at me for not practicing hitting a bludger.
Professor Quirrell walked towards me with his turban off. He said that he didn't trust me anymore. Then I heard a voice say to kill me and that I know too much to live on. Professor Quirrell then raised his wand and said the killing curse."
Dumbledore looked at me with wide eyes. "Ali. Before you fainted that one night, what did Professor Quirrell show you?"
"I can't tell! I'd be in danger if I did!"
"Ali you have to tell me. I WILL protect you from whatever would put you in danger. Even if it might be Lord Voldemort that would put you in danger."
I looked at him with wide eyes when he said Lord Voldemort.
"He showed you Lord Voldemort, didn't he. Lord Voldemort is regaining power. That is what is under his turban."
Professor Quirrell burst into the room. "Ali I told you not to tell anyone! You violated my trust," snarled Professor Quirrell.
"Quirrell, she did not violate your trust! I figured it out on my own! I will let you teach for the rest of the year since it is too late to hire a new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher!"
I heard a voice say,"Kill her now Quirrell! Kill her now!"
Dumbledore than said,"Not on my watch Voldemort. You are not going to kill an innocent child!"
"Hah," said Voldemort,"I killed Lily and James Potter and you didn't stop me! What makes you think you'll stop me today?"
"The fact that I'm actually here."

Ali Graves: The Muggleborn (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now