Chapter 8

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Dad and I walked into the Great Hall. We then walked over to the Ravenclaw table and sat down.
"Dad, do you have any other kids?"
Dad looked at me and smiled. "I have one other kid. She is actually your twin sister. Your mother and I agreed that your twin would live with me. Her name is Emily. She was sorted into Hufflepuff at the beginning of the year."
A girl that looked exactly like me walked over to us. She looked at dad and said,"Hi daddy. Is this Ali? She looks exactly like me. Except I have two freckles on my nose and she has one."
Haru walked over to us and sat down beside me. "Am I seeing double or are you twins," asked Haru.
"They are twins young one," said my dad.
Haru looked at my dad and started fangirling. "OMG!! YOUR FERDINAND GRAVES! Can I have your autograph?"
Dad rolled his eyes and said,"Of course."
Haru stuck out her arm and dad signed it with a sharpie.
"Oh and Ali. Good luck at the quidditch match! Good thing you have your dad's skills," said Haru.
Emily started to look sorta embarrassed. "I flew on a broom once. I was terrible at it. Dad also once tried teaching me on how to be a beater, that didn't end well. He ended up with a black eye. Plus, if I had known you were my twin sister, I would've stopped the bullying myself."
I ate my breakfast but had to leave a bit early so I could put on my quidditch robes.
When I stood up to leave, dad stood up with me.
"Dad, I'm just going to get my quidditch robes on! You don't have to come."
Dad again looked at me and smiled. "My dear child, I'm just going to stand by the door while you change."
I walked into the shed on the quidditch grounds. When I got in there, I figured out that I was the only girl in the team. There were at least 6 boys in there getting on their quidditch shirts.
"Ummm. I'm just going to wait until everybody is done changing," I told the room.
Devin walked up to me ,with no shirt on, and said,"No need to wait! There's a spare room upstairs that you can change in. All you have to do is grab your quidditch robes from your locker and head up there to change!"
After he said that, I walked over to my locker. I grabbed my quidditch robes out of it and headed upstairs.
When I got upstairs, I took off my uniform and put on my quidditch outfit.
I went back downstairs grabbed my broom out of my locker and headed out onto the field. I looked into the bleachers and could see dad talking to Professor Dumbledore. I stood beside the other beater and on the other side of Madam Hooch was the Gryffindor team. I saw Harry with the Gryffindor team and was confused. Was he on a team also?
After few minutes, all the houses were in their spots on bleachers.
"Hey Harry. I see you have a Nimbus 2000 as well," I said to Harry.
He looked at me. "Yes Ali. I do. Why are you on the field and not on the bleachers with the rest of your house"
Devin spoke up and said,"She's our second beater. I'm guessing your the Gryffindor seeker. You better watch your back because Ali might send a bludger after you."
Harry started to look scared.
"Thanks for reminding me Devin."
Madam Hooch looked at everyone standing on the field.
"Now, I want a nice fair game, all of you." it looked like she was mainly talking to the Weasley twins.
"Everyone! Mount your brooms!"
I mounted onto my Nimbus 2000.
Madam Hooch then blew her whistle and everyone went flying into the air. She threw the quidditch balls and the game began.
I saw a bludger that was coming straight towards Devin. I flew down to it and hit it towards Angelina Johnson.
"And Ali Graves immediately hits a bludger towards Angelina Johnson! What an excellent beater Ali is. She is also quite beautiful-"
A teacher then yells,"JORDAN"
"Sorry professor Angelina gets hit with the bludger! But not before she passes the quaffle to Alicia Spinnet, who is also an excellent player. Oh! The Ravenclaws take the quaffle! Off goes Fernando Quint towards the Gryffindor hoops! And he scores! One point for Ravenclaw!
Alicia takes back the quaffle and heads toward the Ravenclaw goal hoops! And she scores! One point for Gryffindor!"
I saw a bludger that was headed towards Fernando. I hit it towards Harry.
"AND Ali hits a bludger towards Harry Potter! Harry Potter dodges!"
Dad cheered as loud as he could for me.
I saw Harry's broom start throwing Harry around. What is going on with that broom? I looked towards the audience and saw Professor Quirrell muttering something at Harry without blinking. I may be playing against Harry in quidditch right now but I don't want any classmates being hurt. I saw that Hermione was pointing her binoculars toward me so I pointed towards Harry. She then looked at Harry and started talking to Ron.
Hermione started creeping towards Professor Snape. She bumped into Professor Quirrell on the way and he looked away! Then I saw her catch Professor Snape's robes on fire.
Harry saw the snitch but he accidentally fell towards it and it got into his mouth.
Harry fell to the ground. He puked out the snitch and Gryffindor won the game. The Ravenclaw team led their brooms toward the ground so I followed their lead.
When we reached the ground, we got off our brooms and Devin was in a horrible mood. He blamed it on me.
"Ali! I thought you were going to help us win! How could you let us down?"
Fernando looked at Devin and said,"She was trying as hard as she could Devin! You can't blame it on Ali! She is just 11!"
Marty Houston then spoke up. "Yeah Devin! She is still so young!"
Devin looked at me and said,"I want you on the field tomorrow practicing hitting a bludger. I don't care if you have to skip class to do it. I want you to be the very best."
It's moments like these when I feel like anything can crush me into nothingness. "But Devin. Please don't make me practice more, my hand is still hurting from today!"
"Ali your father is Ferdinand Graves. I expected more than what you gave today. Anymore slips like this and your off the team."
Everyone on the team disagreed with him.
Marty then said,"You didn't give me this hard of a time when we lost the first game I played! And just because her father is Ferdinand Graves doesn't mean you are allowed to treat her any differently than anyone on the team!"
Devin looked at Marty and said,"And who says I'm not allowed to treat her differently because of who her father is?"
My dad walked up behind Devin and said,"I say you aren't allowed to treat her differently just because I'm her father. I never won every game. Nobody is THAT perfect. I remember my first game. My first game was actually at Hogwarts. The keeper then was Jake Kendall, your father. I still keep in touch with Jake. He will be disappointed to know that you have been treating my daughter differently because of who I am. I didn't even win my first game. Jake just said that I would get even better over time. I did get better over time."

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