Chapter 18

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    My heart still aches from yesterday but I have been able to manage through my classes.
       Draco walks up to me and says, "Ali, you've been acting a lot differently lately. You didn't even correct Ron when he was saying a spell wrong during Charms class."
       "Draco, my heart is just aching right now. Ethan broke up with me yesterday. I'm feeling really hurt." I tell Draco.
      Draco grabs my arm and leads me to the Slytherin common room. We sit down in one of the couches in the common room.
        "Ali. I have a really huge crush on you. That is part of the reason I was being so mean to you. I guess I just didn't want to admit to myself that I had a crush on a half blood. Like I said I really like you. Will you be my girlfriend?" Draco says to me.
     "Draco, this is a lot to take in. But.......I guess I'll be your girlfriend." I say.
      Draco lets me out of the Slytherin common room and I walk out with no heart ache.
     I bump into Ethan and Ethan says, "Ali, I saw you this morning and could tell that you were hurting because of me. I guess I'm saying sorry. But now I see that you are no longer hurt, so I guess no damage done?"
      "Ethan, there was a lot damage done. I was hurting for almost two days because of you. I no longer like you because I am dating someone else now! We can still be friends though."
    Draco walks into the hallway and over to me.
    "Hey Ali. Do you like being my girlfriend?" asks Draco.
          Draco pushes me against the wall and pushes his lips onto mine. It was a short but sweet kiss.
      Draco looks at Ethan and says, "Are you realizing that you're missing out Werdam? I must say, Ali is a wonderful kisser."
       I look at Draco while blushing. "Draco! You're soo sweet!" I tell him.
   Its getting really close to exams. Professor Quirrell asks me to meet him after class
     "Ali, there is a huge three headed dog on the third floor. I need you to help me defeat. I heard that the dog really likes music. And you like to sing so I thought I would ask you first." the professor tells me.
     "Professor I can't do that! I don't trust you and I have stage fright." I protest.
       The professor grabs a hold of my arm and drags me toward the 3rd floor. He unlocked one of the doors on the corridor. What greats us is a giant three headed dog. I start to sing and the dog goes to sleep. The next obstacle is devil's snare. The professor remembered the spell to get rid of Devil's snare
A/n I drew this on the computer and I really like it. I, of course, used a reference for the basic structure just none of the actual colour on it.

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