Chapter 22

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I walk out of the Hospital Wing happy. When I get outside of the Hospital Wing, Draco is waiting for me.
"Hey Ali! Have you told your dad that we are dating? He is in the Great Hall waiting for you and I wanted to be sure before I say hi." Draco says.
"Yeah I told him. Why wouldn't I tell him?" I ask.
Draco rubs the back of his neck and says "Well. When you were kidnapped, you were brought to my house. I thought he would hold a grudge against my family."
"No. Dad isn't like that. He is like me, very forgiving. He was very happy for me. At least he was after I told him about what happened with Ethan." I say to Draco.
Draco grabs my hand and we walk together into the Great Hall.
When we reach the Ravenclaw table, Draco lets go of my hand. I sit down beside my dad and Draco sits down at the Slytherin table.
Professor Dumbledore stands up from his seat.
"Now as I understand it, the house cup needs awarding. The points are as stands; Gryffindor with three hundred and twelve points. Hufflepuff with three hundred and fifty-two. Ravenclaw with four hundred and twenty-six. Slytherin with four hundred and seventy-two. I have a few last minute points to hand out. First to Ali Graves. For holding her ground no matter what, I award Ravenclaw fifteen points."
That means Ravenclaw now has four hundred and thirty-one points!
"Next to Ronald Weasley. For the best played game of chess Hogwarts has seen in many years, I award Gryffindor fifty points."
I hear Percy shout, "My brother, you know! He got past McGonagall's giant chess set! My youngest brother!"
"Third to Hermione Granger. For the use of logic in the face of fire, I award Gryffindor fifty points."
Gryffindor was up a hundred points.
"Fourth to Mr. Harry Potter. For pure nerve and outstanding courage, I award Gryffindor sixty points."
Gryffindor is tied with Slytherin!
"There are many kinds of courage. It takes a lot of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends. I now award ten points to Mr. Longbottom."
The entire hall exploded into noise. Gryffindor has won the house cup!
Professor Dumbledore changed the Slytherin decorations into Gryffindor decorations and everyone started to eat.
"My child, I'm so proud of you. You stood up against the Dark Lord. I'm surprised you didn't give in." says my dad.
Draco walks over to us.
"Hello Mr. Graves. I assume you know about me." says Draco.
"Yes Mr. Malfoy. I know all about you. Thank you for helping my daughter through a break up. I invite you to come over to my house during the summer holidays." says my dad.
After the feast, I go up to the Ravenclaw common room and walk into my dormitory. I pack all my stuff and bring it down the stairs. Dad was waiting for me. Dad grabs my stuff and carries it to the Hogsmeade train station for me. I walk into the train and I sit down with Draco in his compartment. My dad and sister follow behind me.
"Hey Ali. I was wondering, is Ali your first name or is it a shortened version of your first name?" asks Draco.
"It's a shortened version of my first name. My first name is Alison. I prefer Ali though. So please don't ever call me Alison." I say to Draco. I look out the window and see that we are going past pastures and meadows.

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