Chapters 5-8

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Chapter Five

The next morning Cheryl woke to the sound of birds chirping outside her bedroom window. She was grateful she was the manager of her own business, meaning she could go into work whenever she wanted. The class she took herself was of the highest level, more or less professional. Although she did like to pop into all of the classes, and check on the progress of the other kids.

Slipping out of bed, she reached for her housecoat, and slipped it on. 

It had took her until four in the morning to sort everything out, and to say she was still tired was an understatement. So after dragging herself out of her room, she headed down to the kitchen for a coffee.

A small poster note grabbed her attention as she sat at the table, nursing the mug in her hand. Getting up she walked over to the fridge, and pulled the paper from under the magnet.

Hey Cheryl,

Hope you don't mind but I moved your car this morning.

It was blocking mine.

I would have woke you, but I didn't have the heart.

I parked it back in the drive from you though.

This morning I made some sausage, I've left you two in the microwave, and there's rolls on the counter.

I'll be back from work around 6, so hopefully we can have a bit of dinner or something together, get to know each other more.

Have a nice day ! x


"She better not of scraped me car," Cheryl laughed to herself. Walking over to the microwave, she opened it and looked in, the smell of the meat hitting her nostrils, and instantly making her feel sick. Gently she closed the door over, and sat back down at the table.

She did honestly feel bad. Kimberley was obviously trying, and all she was doing was pushing her away, but she couldn't help it. She was in no mood to talk about her personal life. It was funny how she didn't know a lot about the blonde, she didn't even know what the girl worked as. All she knew was Kimberley was 28, her last name was Walsh, and she moved to London ten years ago from Bradford with the rest of her family.

After finishing her cup of coffee, the Geordie rinsed her mug out, and went back upstairs to get ready for her work.


The end of the day couldn't of came quick enough for Kimberley, as she pulled into her drive, parking behind Cheryl's car. After gathering all her things together, she then got out of the vehicle, and made her way to the front door, which was unlocked.

There was no sign of Cheryl downstairs when she got in. The living room looked more or less the same as she left it, and the breakfast she had left for the Geordie was still in the microwave. "God . . . I need a wee," she mumbled to herself after chucking the food into the bin, and placing the plate in the sink.

No longer being able to hold it in anymore, Kimberley ran upstairs, and over to the bathroom. Without even thinking, she burst in, only to find Cheryl in the bath.

"Sh*t!" the Geordie cursed, jumping a little.

Kimberley looked at the girl, but soon looked away when she caught sight of the her naked upper half. "I am so sorry," she apologized. "I was burstin' for a wee, and didn't think." Turning on her heels, she went to walk out.

"It's ok. On you go . . . I'll turn around."

At first the blonde hesitated, but the feeling soon became too much to bare. She watched as Cheryl turned her back to her, which put her at ease. "Thanks." 

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