Chapter 45 and Epilogue

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Chapter Fourty Five

Kimberley continued to stare at the Geordie, mesmerized by her beauty. "What's a relationship without trust?" she whispered before capturing her lips once more.

'What's a relationship without trust?' The words kept playing over and over in Cheryl's head like a broken record, as she sat at the kitchen table.

She shut her eyes, trying but failing to stop the flow of tears.

It was all her fault and she knew it.

Bringing her hands up, she buried her head in them. Deep down she knew Kimberley would never cheat on her, but she couldn't help it, she was insecure. She had to be reassured.

How many times would Cheryl trust someone only for them to break it? Before Ashley she had been cheated on, and when she had met him she thought he was different.

With Ashley, she had trusted him straight away. What was holding her back from doing the same with Kimberley?

* * * * * 

Still with tears in her eyes, Cheryl knocked on the door of the guest bedroom, "Kimberley," she sniffed before pushing it open and peeking her head around, a fresh set of tears spilling from her eyes as she looked at the girl. "I'm sorry," she sobbed.

Smiling sadly, Kimberley looked up at Cheryl from her position on the bed, her heart breaking. "Come here," she said, patting the space next to her.

Walking over, Cheryl sighed before climbing in. "It's not that I don't trust you..."

"I understand," Kimberley cut in. "But, you also need to understand that I would never cheat." Holding her arms out, she invited Cheryl in for a hug. "I'm not Ashley."

"He said the exact same thing," Cheryl replied. "He told me the exact same thing about the guy before him."

"And you trusted him?" Kimberley asked, her hand soothingly rubbing up and down her girlfriends back.

Cheryl nodded.

"Then why can't you trust me?"

"I do trust you, it's just... I thought I knew what love was with him."

Kimberley felt the tears welling up once more.

"But..." Cheryl continued, reaching up to wipe them away. "But then there was you and I realized that what I felt for him was nothing in comparison to what I feel for you. I'm scared, scared of losing you."

Pulling her closer, Kimberley held on tightly. "You don't have to, though. Becasue I'm not goin' anywhere."

"I just love you so much," Cheryl said, breaking down again. She clung to her lover as she attempted to calm herself down.

"I love you too, baby," Kimberley responded, gently rocking them both. "You just have to know that I will, and never would, be unfaithful to you. I just couldn't live with myself." Pulling away, she smiled whilst reaching up to wipe her tears away. "And do you really think there is anyone else out there that matches you? You're beauty," she said, her fingers tracing a path around the side of her face. "You're amazin' personality," she continued, leaning forward to place a gentle kiss on her forehead. "And... and that masterpiece of a body," Lauging gently, she ran a hand down the length of her side. "Never."

Cheryl smiled through her tears. "I know... I'm sorry."

"Trust is key in a relationship, Cheryl," Kimberley continued, her hand reaching up to brush a few strands of hair out of the her face. "Without it... this won't work. And that is something I defiantly don't want because I'm so utterly in love with you. I want us to grow old together, to buy our first house together, to get our first pet together." Leaning in, she placed a gentle kiss on Cheryl's lips. "To raise a family together."

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