Chapters 37-40

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Chapter Thirty Seven

"Here." Passing Cheryl a steaming hot cup of tea, Kimberley sat down opposite her at the kitchen table. "I'm sorry for shoutin'," she apologized.

"No, I'm sorry... I got meself too worked up." Cheryl said, offering a sad smile.

Kimberley reached across, taking hold of her hand. "You didn't baby. You reacted like anyone else would have. I shouldn't of shouted... I guess I just got scared."

"Of what?" Cheryl frowned.

Kimberley gazed down, fearing the Geordie's reaction when the words left her mouth. 

"You were scared I still loved Ashley, weren't you?" 

"Yes," she replied, glad she didn't have to say it herself.

Feeling the need to convince the girl that that wasn't the case, Cheryl rose to her feet. "Slide back," she told her.

Doing as she was told, Kimberley pushed the chair back with her feet.

Cheryl sat herself down on her lap. "I love you," she smiled, her hands cupping her cheeks, drawing her in for a kiss. "No one else," she whispered onto her lips.

Kimberley's worries faded as her girlfriend kissed them away. Pulling back, she began stroking up and down her back, soothing her. "When he walked in I didn't know it was him until Nico..."

"Shh..." Cheryl smiled, holding a finger to her lips. "I don't want to know anymore. I just hope he doesn't step foot across the door again... at least not when I'm there."

* * * * * 

"So..." Nadine smiled, running the tip of her finger around her wine glass. "What have you two been up too?"

Both Sarah and Nicola looked up at the happy couple, who were sitting beside each other on the opposite sofa.

"Yeah lovebirds," Sarah winked.

Kimberley looked up at Nadine.

The Irish woman shrugged, an innocent expression on her face.

"What's Nads been sayin'?" 

"Ooh come on!" Nicola spoke, bringing the glass she had to her lips. "You two are hardly discrete. Look at you," she laughed, gesturing at how close they were sitting. "You're basically mounting her Kimberley!"

All the girls, except Kimberley and Cheryl, fell about laughing.

"Nadine simply pointed out the obvious," Sarah added, grassing the girl in.

Cheryl stayed silent, a dimpled grin gracing her features as Kimberley drew Nadine daggers. "Thanks babe," she smiled, sarcastically.

"Hey!" the Irish woman replied in her incredibly cute accent. "You never told me anythin'... I guessed and couldn't keep it to myself. I had to see if anyone else had noticed it. Because try as I might... you weren't goin' to tell me!" she said, defending herself.

Kimberley giggled, throwing her a wink. "Don't worry about it babe," she smiled, reaching over and taking hold of Cheryl's hand.

The three girls cooed.

"So cute," Nicola squealed with delight. "Are you like a proper couple then? How long have you been together? When did you get together? Who asked who out? When was..."

"Wow... slow down there missy," Cheryl laughed, cutting her off. She turned and gave Kimberley a cute smile. "To answer your questions," she continued. "We are a proper couple. We have been together three weeks and five days. We got together after a very eventful evenin'," she said, not wanting them to know about their encounter in the studios. "And it was a kind of joint thing... it just happened."

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