Chapters 17-20

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Chapter Seventeen

"Babe," Kimberley said gently, touching Cheryl's cheek.

"Mmm . . " came the reply, causing her to laugh lightly.

"I made you some breakfast."

Cheryl turned onto her side, facing towards the girl. "I'll be down in a minute," she smiled sleepily, her eyes still closed.

"There's no need. I brought it up. I'll just sit it on you're dressing table. I'm goin' back to my room to get ready . . . ok?" Kimberley smiled, but before she could get up, the Geordie pulled her down, kissing her cheek tenderly.

"Thanks babe. I'm glad you figured out that I expected the same from you since I made breakfast yesterday."

Kimberley laughed at the girls cheekiness. "I hardly class cutting some fruit up and throwing it in a bowl making breakfast cheryl!" She continued to smile as she watched her sit up, rubbing her eyes. 

"It is in my books!"

"Aahh the self-penned one you wrote . . . how to have a simple life?"

"Cheeky cow! It's called . . . how to have a healthy life! And anyway who doesn't want a simple life?"  By now Cheryl was fully awake and picking at the assortment of fried and very unhealthy food Kimberley had made for her.

"People who want interesting ones," the blonde shot back.

"Come here?"

Shaking her head, Kimberley moved further away from the girl. "Nah," she laughed, knowing she was goin' to do something to her.

"How not? Come on! I promise I wont hurt ya!" Cheryl winked.

"Sure you wouldn't," the blonde smiled, making her way to the door. "I'm goin' to get ready."

* * * * * 

The sight made Cheryl smile, a relaxed looking Kimberley bobbing about in the pool on a bright pink lilo, her eyes shut. She almost looked asleep. Silently, she crepted up to the egde of the pool and slid herself in, trying her hardest to be quiet. She stiffled a giggle as she gently walked up to the side of the girl, tipping her over.

"F*ck!" Kimberley shouted before the cold water hit her.

Cheryl, who was now in hysterics, didn't even notice the girls frame swimming it's way over to the ledge behind her.

Popping up from under the water, Kimberley silently watched from the corner. The Geordie had stopped laughing.

'Where is she!?' Cheryl wondered, waiting from the blonde to pop up. After about a minute she started to panic. "Kimberley!?" she shouted, but there came no reply. "Kimberley!" She was just about to dive under, when she heard a familiar laugh. "You f*ckin' *Female Dog*! I though I'd drowned you!"

"You deserved that! What did you top me over for!?"

"You said I wasn't interesting," Cheryl answered, making her way over to the blonde.

"No I never . . .  I said people who want simple lifes wont have interesting ones," Kimberley corrected.

"Aye, but you directed that statement at me."

"Did I?" the older girl asked sarcastically.

"You did and that was you're punishment!"

Kimberley winced as all sorts of dirty thoughts, that she shouldn't of been having, ran through her head. 'Why is this happening to me!?' she wondered, a bit disgusted with herself, but not because Cheryl was a woman. Gender had nothing to do with it. The fact of the matter was, she felt like a man. A man lusting over some woman. It wasn't right. Cheryl was her friend not a piece of meat, and that's what worried her. "Yeah . . . well it was a bit shitty," she laughed, brushing some wet strands of hair away from her face.

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