Chapters 29-32

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Chapter Twenty Nine

Smiling, Cheryl walked into the living room. "Hey sexy," she said sitting down beside Kimberley on the couch.

Kimberley shuffled closer, planting a kiss on her cheek. "Hey baby," she smiled. Reaching down, she took hold of Cheryl's hand and began playing with her fingers. "How was your bath?"

"Aye... it was good. It could of been better though."

Kimberley laughed. "You should of said to me."

Turning, cheryl placed her hand on her girlfriends cheek. "You were sleepin'. I didn't want to wake ya."

"You should of," Kimberley flirted, placing her hand on the girls exposed thigh. The housecoat she had on proved easy access for her. She continued to run it up, under the fluffy material. "We've never had sofa sex," she purred into Cheryl ear, making the hairs stand up on the back of the girls neck. The rose thorn and music clef tattoo became visible to her captivated eyes as she pushed the robe further up.

"I want to take you out to dinner," Cheryl sighed. Closeing her eyes, she pushed her lips firmly against the horny girls.

Kimberley ran her hand round to the side of her leg, pulling on it until Cheryl positioned herself so she was straddling her thighs. She broke the kiss and looked up at her. "Where are you takin' me?"

"I was thinkin' a fancy restaurant for my sweetheart," Cheryl giggled, trying to get her mind of the slight throbbing between her legs. Kimberley had got all hot and bothered.

"That sounds lovely."

Kimberley ran her hands round to Cheryl's bum. "But we're definitely having sofa sex when we get back," she winked, giving her a quick kiss and then getting up and heading to the bathroon for a shower.

* * * * *

"You look gorgeous," Cheryl smiled proudly as she took her girlfriends hand across the table.

"You look even better," replied Kimberley, intertwining their fingers.

The girls exchanged loving looks as they sat talking. The light of the candle flickered between them making their surroundings appear as romantic as Cheryl had described. Soft music was playing in the background mixed with the idle chitter chatter coming from other dinners around them.

"I was thinkin'..." Cheryl started pushing her starter plate to the side. 

Kimberley looked up expectantly. "Yeah?" she smiled.

"Maybe we can go back out to the villa," Cheryl continued. Reaching across, she took hold of the smiling girls hand once more. "I really want to do you in the pool and jacuzzi."

Kimeberly blushed as an elderly couple, that were within ear shot, tutted and shook their heads. "Cheryl!" she giggled, squeezing her hand.

"What?" Cheryl replied, an innocent expression on her face. Kimberley looked cute when she blushed. "I want us to redecorate the place. Throw everything, and I mean everything out. I want the walls painted, the floor redone, all the furniture changed. I even want a new pool and jacuzzi fitted," she continued. "I want to make it ours."

"That will cost a fortune Cheryl and I don't have the kind of money to contribute," Kimberley responed, a bit embarrassed. "And... we can't do all that in a week."

Cheryl gripped tighter at her girlfriends hand. "Are we a proper couple?" she asked.

"Of course we are," Kimberley responded.

"Well... what's mine is yours and what yours is mine. At least, I would like to think that's the case," Cheryl smiled. She leant forward and kissed the top of Kimberley's hand. "We should open a joint account baby."

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