Chapters 33-36

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Chapter Thirty Three

"Are you nervous?"

Kimberley turned when she heard the familiar voice. "I am," she smile, half-heartedly. Although her family had met Cheryl on numerous occasions and liked her very much, she wasn't sure how the whole 'in a relationship' thing would go down. Turning back around, she went back to cutting up the onions and carrots infront of her.

"Don't be baby," Cheryl said, her own voice laced with worry, although, she tried not to convey it. Making her way over, she wrapped her arms around Kimberley's waist and snuggled into her back. "We love each other and hopefully they will see that," she smiled, planting a few short and sweet kisses on her shoulder. 

"You're right," Kimberley sighed, placing the knife down and leaning back into the loving embrace. "I think they will just be shocked, you know?"

Cheryl pulled her even closer, tickling the soft skin under her top. "And that's understandable. They are bound to be shocked."

Kimberley turned, leaning against the work top and wrapping her arms around Cheryl's waist. She looked over at the kitchen table, a memory suddenly resurfacing.

Cheryl watched as Kimberley took another sip of her milk. She waiting until the glass was safely back on the table before leaning forward. Gently she put her hand on the girls cheek, and pulled her closer until their lips connected. Realising Kimberley wasn't pulling away, she ran her tongue along her bottom lip.

Surprised and shocked, Kimberley obliged, and opened her mouth, allowing the Geordie's tongue to enter.

As quickly as the kiss had started, it soon ended as Cheryl pulled away, and stood up. "I never back out of a dare," she winked before walking out of the kitchen leaving a very dumbfounded Kimberley behind.

"Do you remember the first time we kissed?" Kimberley asked, looking back to her girlfriend.

"When I kissed you at the kitchen table?"

"Yeah," she smiled, glad Cheryl rememebered. 

Cheryl continued to stare at her, waiting for her to continue.

"What were you thinkin' after you done it?"

She thought for a while. She knew she wasn't madly in love with Kimberley at that point, and she knew she hadn't discovered her true feelings either. "That you were a good kisser," she eventually said with a giggle. "That you had the most amazing lips ever."

Kimberley smiled while reaching up to cup her cheek.

"What were you thinkin'?"

"I was thinkin' about... why I enjoyed it so much. I was scared about the fact that I wanted to do it again and again."

Pulling away, Cheryl grabbed a glass from the sink and walked over to the fridge where she filled it up with milk. "Come here," she winked, taking hold of a confused Kimberley's hand and leading her to the table. She sat down, placing the glass infront of the chair beside her. "Sit down," she smiled.

Kimberley knew what she was getting at and giggled. "You're not right in the head," she said, taking the seat. She picked up the glass and took a sip before placing it back down onto the table. "So..."

Cheryl cut her off with a kiss. "Shh..." she whispered onto her lips, her hand cupping the soft skin of her cheek. Running her tongue along Kimberley's bottom lip, she sighed when she responded and opened up, inviting her warm tongue in. "And what are you thinkin' now?" she asked after slipping her tongue back out and kissing her lightly on the lips.

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