Chapters 9-12

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Chapter Nine


Putting down the tin of beans she was holding, Kimberley made her way to the front of the shop. "Yeah," she said, her lips curving into a smile as she spotted a familiar face. "Cheryl! What are you doin' here?"

"I thought I'd pop in since I don't have a class until later. Took me ages to find though," the Geordie smiled back. Kimberley had told her the street, but she never told her their were another ten cafe's situated there aswell.

After introducing Cheryl to Nicola, Sarah and Nadine, Kimberley took a break, and escorted her over to one of the tables, where they both sat down.

"So . . . can I get you something to eat?" Kimberley smiled.

"I'm not really . . . " Cheryl started, but soon stopped when she saw the look on the girls face. "A club sandwich, and a bottle of water," she smiled.

Kimberley nodded, and got up from her seat. "I'll be right back."

As Cheryl was waiting, Nicola sat down infront of her.

"Hey," the redhead smiled.

Cheryl smiled. "Hey . . . Nicola right?"

Nicola nodded. " Yeah."

"Sorry. I'm sh*t with names."

The redhead laughed. "Don't worry about it. Kimberley said you own Tweedy's!"

What is it with all these people. Sure Cheryl had done well for herself, and her dance school was highly appreciated, but it wasn't that big a deal . . . was it?

"Yeah," Cheryl smiled, her big yellow jumper, that she had took off due to the heat, giving it away.

"I've always wanted to go to a dance class their ever since it opened!"

'Aww that's sweet,' the Geordie thought to herself. Although she did get a lot of older people in, she still though it was funny that a grown woman wanted to go to her dance school. "Come to one then," she smiled.

Shaking her head, Nicola sighed. "Can't afford it."

Cheryl knew her prices were quite dear, but to be took seriously they had to be. "Don't worry about that. Whenever you want to come along I'll take ya . . . free of charge."

The redhead looked on astonished. "Are you serious?" she asked.

"Course babe," the Geordie smiled. "Your Kimberley's friend. I'm sure I'll be getting to know you more anyway."

Squealing, Nicola shot up from her chair, and ran round to the Geordie's side. Leaning down, she pulled her into a hug. "Thanks."

"It's ok," Cheryl laughed, hugging the girl back.


Breaking apart, both girls turned to see Kimberley walking back with a large tray of food, Nadine and Sarah following behind her.

"Please Kimba?" they begged.

"I said no," Kimberley replied, shaking her head.

"Awk! . . . your such a wet blanket," Sarah complained.

Ignoring her completely, Kimberley sat back down, placing the tray on the table. "Am I missin' somthing?" she smiled, looking at Cheryl and Nicola.

The redhead grinned. "Your flatmates the best," she winked before walking off, and over to one of their regular customers, who hadn't yet been served.

"What was that all about?" Kimberley asked, placing the girls sandwich and water infront of her.

"Thanks. Erm . . . Nicola said she has always wanted to take a dance class at me school, so I told her to come along free of charge."

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