Chapters 21-24

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Chapter Twenty One - Right, so here is chapter 21, which turned out even more s*it than I had planned lol  

Meet me at the studio after work! x

Kimberley smiled as she reread the text from eariler. It had been a week since her and Justin had broke up and she was feeling better, mostly because they had talked things over, with Justin saying he still wanted them to be friends. At least he didn't hate her. 

Starting up the car, she pulled out of the car park. She had only been driving for ten minutes when her destination came into sight, the massive neon light's of Tweedy's making her smile. After parking the car next to Cheryl's, she made her way to the entrance, which she found locked. Pulling out her phone, she brought the girls number up and dialed it.


"Cheryl I'm outside. Why have you locked the doors?"

"Ooh sorry. Amanda said a few weirdos had been comin' in so I decided to lock it. I'll be there in a minute."

"Ok babe."

Kimberley hung up and waited. It wasn't long before a sweaty looking Cheryl appeared, she had a bottle of water in her hand.

Once the door was unlocked, the blonde stepped inside, greeting her friend with a hug, although it wasn't a very pleasant one.

"Sorry babe," Cheryl apologized with a giggled. "I've been workin' hard."

"So I see," Kimberley replied, the beads of sweat dripping from her brow confirming that statement. "So . . . why am I here?"

"I dunno, why are you here?" the Geordie joked, locking the door again.

"Very funny! You text me asking me to meet you here."

Laughing, Cheryl lead the girl to the gymnasium she had previously been dancing in. "I said I would teach you how to ballroom dance . . . didn't I?" she smirked as they stepped through the double doors.

"Aww no," Kimberley said trying to step back through the doors but was stopped by the firm grip Cheryl had on her hand. "Cheryl I'm not the best dancer!"

"Nonsense," the brunette replied, pulling her further into the gym. "I've saw you dancing and you're actually quite good."

"Yeah that's normal dancing. I can't ballroom dance."

"Kimberley," Cheryl said turning to face her, "That's what I'm here for, I'm goin' to teach you. And anyway, you have rhythm. Anyone with rhythm can learn to dance."

Sighing, Kimberley gave in. "Ok, but if I'm sh*t am not doin' it!"


After taking off her jumper and rolling up the legs of her black trousers, the blonde joined Cheryl in the middle of the gym. "Where do you want me?" she asked.

Laughing, the younger girl reached out, taking hold of both the girls hands. "I'll be the man," she said directing one of Kimberley's hands onto her shoulder, and placing her own on her waist. "Ok. It's the man's job to lead the lady around the dancefloor elegantly, therefore I will be leading you." Suddenly, Cheryl started to move, prompting the girl to follow. "Just follow my lead."

"Ok." Kimberley responded while looking down at what her feet were doing.

"Babe look at me. You have to make the audience believe us. It's about love and passion . . . ok? . You have to make them believe that."

'On my behalf that wont be hard.' Kimberley laughed to herself before looking up at the girl. As they continued to dance, she found it increasingly difficult and glanced down again.

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