Chapters 25-28

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Chapter Twenty Five - Quite a short wee update ! x

A thumping head awoke Cheryl from her slumber. The effects of last night's alcohol had well and truly set in. Flicking her eyes open, she scanned the room. Both Nadine and Nicola where curled up on the sofa together while Sarah was fast asleep, in a rather uncomfortable looking position, on the chair. The feeling of someones arms tightly wrapped around her waist told her that Kimberley had fallen asleep beside her on the soft wool rug that lay on the hard wooden floor. Smiling, she turned around in the girls embrace and pulled the cover over them, hiding their faces. She was still fast asleep. For a while, Cheryl just lay there, stroking up and down the available skin at the bottom of Kimberley's top. She looked gorgeous. In Cheryl's opinion, she was the most beautiful person she had ever met, inside and out. "I'm so lucky," she whispered into her ear quietly. "You treat me so good." Kimberley was getting what she wanted, Cheryl was falling and she was falling hard. "I'm fallin' for you gorgeous," she whispered again, this time placing a gentle kiss beside her ear as she pulled away. Moving her hand further up Kimberley's top, she started circling her navel, silently hoping it would wake her. It didn't. As she continued to lay there, staring in awe, she could feel herself falling, she could feel herself falling harder and harder as each second ticked away. This was what love should feel like. This was what love felt like to Cheryl. She just didn't want to say it, she didn't want to curse the relationship. Once the L word is said everything either turns bad or things turn boring. Well that's what Cheryl though. That's what had happened with Ashley. She told him she loved him, a few months later he asked her to marry him, they got married and then things turned bad.

"What are you thinkin' about?" Kimberley had been silently watching Cheryl for a minute or so. She looked deep in thought.

The Geordie looked up. "How long have you been awake?" she asked, worried.

"I only woke about two minutes ago. I think it was the feeling of someone stroking my belly button that possibly done it," Kimberley giggled with a whisper.

"Probably," Cheryl winked back. Leaning in, she give her a gentle and lingering kiss on the lips.

Reaching under, Kimberley placed her hand over Cheryl's, stopping it from its movements. She intertwined their fingers and smiled. "What were you thinkin' about?" she asked ones more.

"I was thinkin' about you."

Both girls were still whispering, trying to be as quiet as possible.

"What about me?"

"About how amazing you are."

Leaning down, Kimberley slipped her tongue into her girlfriends warm and inviting mouth. Slowly, she began to explore, doing the things she knew the girl liked. Running the tip of the muscle along the roof of her mouth, she made Cheryl giggle. She knew she liked that, it always made her laugh, so she done it again, the girl tightening the grip on her hand.

"Stop it," Cheryl giggled pulling away. "You're makin' us laugh."

"I like makin' you laugh though."

"If you do it again I'll bite your tongue off."

"You know you like it."

"I'll still bite it off."

"You do that. You'll be the one that loses out." A mischievous smile appeared on Kimberley's face.

"Ooh really?"

"Yes. Just think of all the things I couldn't do if I never had it."

"Like ?"

"I wouldn't be able to stick it out to you when you're being cheeky to me."

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