Chapters 41-44

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Chapter Fourty One

Ringing Kimberley's phone once more, Cheryl sighed when the answer machine came on again. "Why isn't she answerin'!" she said to herself before throwing the device onto the table and sitting herself down on one of the chairs.

She had been trying to call her girlfriend for the past hour after she hadn't called her back, which she said she would do.

She sat for a few mintues before she tried again.

"Hello are yo..."

"Kimberley! Why haven't you been answerin' me!?" Cheryl asked, perhaps a bit too aggressively.

"I'm sorry... I was on the phone to Nadine," came the reply.

"You said you would phone me back!" Sighing, Cheryl tried to calm herself.

"Nadine called me just as I got in," Kimberley told her.

There was something about Kimberley's tone that made Cheryl's doubt her, but she decided to shrug it off.

"Did you go to the shops?"

Cheryl knew that she was trying to change the subject and rolled her eyes. "No, I was too busy worrying about you," she answered, knowing it was far to late for her to go.

"I'm sorry baby. Nadine phoned because she forgot something at the shop and she wanted to know if I had picked it up before I left."

"What had she left?" Cheryl asked, tapping her fingers on the table and waiting for an answer, which proved to take longer than she had thought.

"Her phone," Kimberley eventually answered.

"And did you get it?" she asked, knowing that she was asking far to many questions.

"I did... what's with all the questions?" asked Kimberley, sensing things weren't right.

"I was just wondering," Cheryl shot back, her tone harsh. She listened as the girl on the other end let out a sigh. "I'm sorry," she immediately apologized.

"It's ok... you're probably just tired." Just as Kimberley had finished her sentence the door went.

"Who's that?" Cheryl said, a frown appearing on her brow.

"It's Nadine, she's come round to collect her phone."

"That was quick," she responded.

"I'm goin' to go now, ok?"

"Ok," Cheryl sighed, tears threatening her eyes, although, she didn't know why. "I love you."

"I love you too baby and I'm missin' you like mad. Talk to you tomorrow."

A sad smile appeared on the Geordie's lips. "I miss you too," she said before hanging up.

* * * * * 

Kimberley chucked her phone onto the table before getting up off of the couch and heading for the door. "Hey," she said after answering it.

"You're so f*ckin' dead!" Nadine sighed, turning her head to look at the car. "What are you goin' to do?" she asked while entering the house and shutting the door behind her.

"I don't know. Do you think I should tell her?" Leading the Irish woman into the kitchen, Kimberley put the kettle on.

"Well... she isn't exactly goin' to miss it!" Nadine replied in her Irish tones. "Have you saw the f*ckin' thing!? How did it happen?"

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