Chapters 13-16

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Chapter Thirteen  Big thanks to Manasi (Archangel). Who has helped me hugely on this chapter and a few up and coming ones !  

After making her way back up to her room, Kimberley climbed into bed. She was still shaken from what happened, although he didn't know why. Maybe it was cause she was still drunk? Or maybe it was the unexpectedness of it that made her head spin? Sighing she turned to face Justin. He looked cute when he slept, something Kimberley had always loved about him. 

Her hand caressed his cheek while her mind was a thousand miles away.


Turning, Kimberley looked at the man standing beside her. He was dressed smartly, and he had a charming smile on his face as he leant against the bar. 

"Hi," Kimberley smiled back shyly.

"Can I buy you a drink?"

"Erm . . . well I'm with my friends." The blonde turned, nodding in the direction of the three girls.

"Awk that's ok . . . " The man started but couldn't continue as he didn't know the girls name.


"Well Kimberley . . ." he said holding out his hand. "I'm Justin."

"Pleased to meet you Justin." Kimberley smiled back while holding her own out, allowing him to take hold of it. Her cheeks flushed red as he leant down, kissing the soft skin gently.

"Could I at least have your number? I would really like to see you again."

The blonde smiled. "Ok." She waited until he had pulled out his phone before listing of the numbers.

Since that night six months ago, they had become inseparable. Always going out from dinner or romantic walks. It wasn't long before Kimberley found herself falling for him. Everything he done made her heart jump. The little tingles coursing through her entire body becoming more frequent. She felt like a love sick teenager.

"You look so beautiful tonight Kimberley," Justin said as they strolled through Hyde Park, hand in hand.

"You look very handsome," Kimberley giggled, snuggling up to him.

Justin smiled, his hand releasing the girls and wrapping around her waist. "I'm being serious. I've never met anyone like you. I'm in love with you . . . I love you." Ok so he didn't plan on saying it so soon . . . three weeks into their relationship, but it felt right.

Kimberley broke away. Initially she was shocked, but as she turned and looked at Justin . . . she melted.  She knew she felt the same. "I love you too."

"You do?" Justin beamed.

"I do," the blonde smiled back, a tear falling from her eye. Leaning forward she kissed her man, the moonlight shining down on the happy couple.

So why was she feeling like this? Why didn't her heart jump anymore when he done all those little things? Surely the honeymoon like phase wasn't over. It couldn't be . . . six months isn't a long time. Did she ever love him? 

All those questions ran through Kimberley's head, but their was one that stuck. One question that she couldn't get her head around. Why didn't she feel like this when Justin kissed her?

Chapter Fourteen

"Where are you goin'?"

"Just out for a bit."

After getting everyone out the house, Kimberley finally got herself ready. It was funny how her hangover didn't seem to effect her, but then again the shower done her the world of good.

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