Stage Thirteen: Fight or Die

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With head lowered and eyes closed I ticketed their first attack. He came at me with knife in hand, I leaned back to dodge his attack before countering by blocking his next blow with my left forearm and slamming my palm into his nose shattering it a forcing him to back off. Then two more goons came after me one with a gun the other a knife. The knife came first to get me focused on him so the gun could shoot. I lunged for the knife and using all the weight I possessed and flung him into the man with the gun just then the gun went off, they both fell.

The belly man ordered the rest in after me. Six came all at once. One got aggressive first, I smiled, piecemeal was the easiest way of taking out an enemy. I grabbed him by the arm placing him into a submission hold before flying off his back and locking my legs around another's neck using my kinetic energy for his potent ion downfall. My first capture released me of my guns and weapons but he didn't not remove my other toys. I unraveled a decent length of floss and doubled it over a couple of times and used this against the agrees or who charged with a knife blocking then spinning forcing him into a chock hold whist still fight off the others. In the confusion I sustained a bullet to the leg and stumbled back but didn't give up. I grabbed the knife.

I decided to go offensive, moving swiftly and aggressively I eliminated then until, I finally got down to the burly man. I hobbled out to him, with the deepest voice I could muster I ordered him out. He looked at me, then his men unconscious on the cold hard filthy ground, then at me, "MH45 grants you a pardon of free passage, what are you to be called?" He asked

I thought of all the names my mom had in her books and answered simply "Stiletto" thinking of the knife as well as letting the little more hidden side out, the shoe.

I moved passed him doing my best to hide my limp, I had no idea where I was going but I knew I had to go somewhere. That's when I remembered that the Tracker as well as the ninjas I moms books only went from the roof tops, not the ground. I scurried up a drawing pipe and limped along the roofs, until I stumbled into the more obviously regular section of town, whereupon I found a little café. Dropping from the roof behind to café I moved swiftly inside shed Hong for a computer to get some form of answers. I had tied my sweatshirt that was underneath my leathers around the bullet wound trying to stop the bleeding, it was not bad, just grasped me. I was rather lucky I thought sitting down I the back to use a computer.

I glanced from the screen to the sour pudding room, and from the looks on the people faces I was not the first person they had seen in my condition, and I also understood I needed some clothes that fit just a touch better. I looked down at the computer screen, I knew what to do, I was a hacker and inventor, not the mention having an IQ of 320 helped a lot. No IQ test was as accurate as I wanted so I invented my own as well as inventing a computer chip that allowed me to access the interwebs and invented robots that could install it into my brain. My personal assistant I guess you could say. I call it N.E.R.D (Neuro Electro Responder Dopant) I didn't connect earlier as is nut uploaded yet, it was implanted but as some ruffians stormed into my lab and blew it off dragging me along and shooting Esperanza with my time machine, I didn't have the opportunity.

I guess looking back they must have been agents of Scorpion trying in vain to take me. My fingers set to work hacking into the computer itself giving, writing an algorithm that told to computer to send for a new IP address Avery few minutes to keep from being tracked as well as bouncing the signal globally. I opened up my filed

S from my home computer now resting I pieces and begin an uplink from that to e computer in my brain. My math was always correct, but if this once I was wrong, I would be looking death I the eyes yet again. And how many times can once escape death in one day? Actually don't answer that and the number is infinite. Everything we do, including sleeping, had risk to it. Think about it for a sec. Why did your parents, of your cousins teach you to say a prayer right before bed the "if I die before I wake" is what I'm really talking about here?

The uplink worked, I was officially, a cyborg. I sat back in my chair and sifted through old news reports, videos, security camera, court cases, papers, then I retread moms book, all in about five minutes. "Not bad" I mumbled aloud. All of moms stories were true, Scorpion was real, and a lot bigger than they thought it was. But the question was, why were they after me? To get to my parents? If they knew where we lived why not just take them? Ok got 'a think back.

I was at school, I hacked into the security cameras at school and watched the playback before winding I my memories as well.


I slipped down into the hall, I threatened my classmates, then, weight, go back, their, right there! Dad saw me, and him, he watched him take me, zoom in, he is smiling. What? That can't be right. Mom saw it to... Dad pulled something out of his pocket, can't quite make it out... Zoom I a little more, a phone beeper mixed thing... That right the file said dad was an inventor and one of the best to. Ok I need that device, wow his fire wall on that thing are good, but I better... And I'm in! Yes, files deleted after ten seconds. Ok, well the CPU must have something on it, dang, wait a minute, this tracker had one, maybe I can pull it off his, pull up onto his page, their, incoming message right now, from dad's machine, signal locked, got' cha.

Dad "how is she"

Tracker "a little riled up, bullet grazed her, some need of stitches, a gag, and anger management but she doing ok."

Dad" you have eyes on?"

Tracker "yes sir, she is currently hulled up in a coffee shop in the back, looks like she asleep."

Dad" keep your distant from her, I don't want her catching on quite yet, but make sure Scorpion does not get to her. Oh and David, one more thing, keep her in check."

Tracker "yes sir"

Unwanted Company: Sequel to The Family BusinessWhere stories live. Discover now