Stage Four: Can't Catch Me

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My ankles touched the ground and I moved my weight into a roll to balance out the force then was back on my feet in a matter of seconds. I was done with school for the day, no matter if the bell for fourth period just rang or not. People in this small town didn't even give me a second glance; they knew me after sixteen years.

I wandered through the small town. The June sun beat down upon my tortured skin. I weighted through life like through thick bogging bud. The steady glare resting upon my face covered in heavy goth makeup seemed to scream with anger and hatred to all life. No one understood how i could be this way.My father was a rich business owner with company branches all over the world and my mom a well known author. Both good, outstanding, Christian people of good character and strong conviction.

I didn't care what people thought on the outside... but sizzling inside was a deep longing for someone who was strong enough to look past everything and see the damaged person hiding inside the shell of leather and self hatred.

People told me to suck it up, life's not fair, to just move on. I knew that was just their way of trying to help me. Though they had no understanding of life from my high heeled black boots designed to cut flesh if used as a weapon.

I walked through the ever fading dot of a town and meandered past the gun shops, the barber, the newspaper. All new me and not one said hello/ I turned up the "music" I had been listening to as I wandered around. I decided to perch myself on top and the library overlooking the playground now flooded with little kids out for recess. I watched them run, play tag, swing, boy and girl flirting as they just start to discover emotions, and as my eyes scanned the swarm of children I saw one sitting all by herself. Her mind dancing with the ideas she was reading in her book. The same book I had read at her age. My head shifted to one side as i watched her devour the pages of her book on the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

Some boys came over and started pulling at her crazy long blond hair. Her reaction was to stand up, punch one boy in the face and roundhouse kick the other in the gut, before retreating back to her book. My little cousin Sasha was soon dragged into the principal's office for defending herself. The boy with the bloody nose now assisted like a victim and hero to the nurse's office when he was rewarded for his cruelty with a lollipop. All I could do was shake my head in disgust.

I watched the whole town from atop that roof, when the bell rang floods of children and high schoolers evacuated the buildings like it was on fire. Then, with tears in her eyes, I saw my mother walking into the highschool with her husband holding her. Another trip to the principal's office because of me. What was left of my heart cried for their grief, but my body showed none.

I moved from the library roof to the high schools, slid down to the second story using a pipe, crawled down over two window panes snuck into the principal's office creeping into the very back were my presence would not be noticed, and I could find out all that was per normal.

I watched as my parents were invited in, Mr. Drucker slowly removed his glasses and placed them on the desk, before folding his hands and taking a deep breath readying himself for the news he was forced to deliver.

"Mr and Mrs. Wong, I'm so sorry to have to bother you for the eighth time this semester but your daughter is at it again."

"Again, can you prove any of her involvements with the drugs or violence?"

"We have eight students waiting outside that are willing to endanger themselves from her, and get suspended and possible juve just to put a stop to her."

"And you can prove the credibility of these student?" My father's asked

"Yes, I can and will vouch for them"

"Where are they, I would like to meet them" My mom stated.

"They are weighting outside."

That's when I moved in. I slid back out the window in the corner and made my way silently to the boys. One by one, watching the panich on their faces I moved them to the roof. I looked at them.

"So, you are willing to rat me out? So unwise" I declared placing my hand into the second pocket of my cargo pants. Their faces when white.

"You, you wouldn't!"

"you know how this business works, to attempt to rat me out and you end up just like the others"

"You don't mean? I thought they were expelled" Fulling knowing what he said was the truth I only smirked trying to convince him that I was capable of taking him out. By back tensed, I was being watched. I couldn't see him, I didn't know where he was.

"You can come out now" I demanded in the lowest voice I could make sound angry. A menacing laugh was the answer. i turned in time to see a poisoned dart flying through the air at me. It sunk into my arm as other followed. I was hit three times. I staggered but ultimately fell to the ground in a blurry sensation. Black military boots moved over to me. My hands were tired and I was flung into a black bag then the world disappeared.   

Unwanted Company: Sequel to The Family BusinessWhere stories live. Discover now