Stage Fifteen: Power

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The black panther looked at Thunderstorm "Any word on Queen?" She asked worried about her daughter. "The Tracker just made contact. she's safe, for now"

"Well knowing David, even if she's a pain he won't let anyone hurt her. Besides, she is a Wong" She said attempting to comfort herself trying to stay focused on the task at hand.

Thunderstorm pulled his wife close and took one deep breath before opening his eyes again "we couldn't have gone after her ourselves, remember. They know who we are, not to mention we have work to do here"

Their eyes lifter up from the building top they were standing on as Tokyo's lights filled the night sky "Ready" He asked her. With a smirk she shot her rope to the building and flipped off the roof with Thunderstorm hot on her heels.

They crashed through the glass windows landing dramatic in their usual theatrics and flung themselves over their opponents slamming them into walls, each other. Fighting side by side as they had done since Katy was a Sophomore in high school, they moved like the well-oiled machine they were. One opponent right after the other fell, their swords glistening in the moon's reflection showing the soldiers they were.

Back to back they stood, arms amide, swords posed, balanced and poised like a snake ready for emanate attack. Junjie lowered his sword and sheathed it before walking over the unconscious Scorpion members now sleeping on the job "we have five minutes" he told his masked wife as they hastened to make their way down the stairs avoiding any patrol like the ninjas they were.

They snuck down into the control room and pulling out the thumb drive in her pocked Black Panther turned it on and stuck it into the computer. "Things have come a long way since my mom's days. She stole paper we steal their entire infrastructure one file at a time"


Waking up in a confused daze is never fun, especially when you find yourself tied to the bed in which you've been placed. "Oh my head" I moaned looking up into the face on not the Tracker, but some one I had never seen. "Where am I?" I demanded trying to force myself to sit up... I couldn't move. The elderly man stood up as Daniel walked in.

"She's prettier than the last one kiddo" He said looking at the Tracker.

"She's a snake, watch your hands she bites. And she will kill you" He told the elderly man dialling a number on his phone. Weight, where did he get the phone.

"I hear you're a troublemaker?" He asked me covering over the phone call that David was making. I really wanted to hear that call but the old dude would not shut up.


"So, let's have a look at the bullet wound shall we."

"Ya sure, whatever" I said trying to get him to be quite. I couldn't make out much of the conversation, but whoever it was managed to make David smile. I found myself glaring at him as he hung up.

"I gave you a choice but you had to be tough and I knew you would try to run away when you woke up, so their you are"

I took a deep breath but my words were quenched when the old dude stabbed me with yet another needle.

"What is it with you people and stabbing me with needles!" - I exclaimed - "Who are you anyways?"

"Oh sorry, they call me the Doc"

"The Doc?"

"We'll, I may not show it now, but back in the day I was the one they called to fix problems, a lot like a doctor. That and when some sucker, such as yourself, needed to be patched up or resupplied, they came to me."

"Daniel, pleas tell me this is not your guy"

His back tensed as he turned to look at me, oops. I wasn't supposed to say his name.

"What he called you that first"

"But you already knew my cover name"

"Yes, during your transaction with my father over that, little black thing"

He nodded his head "Then tell me, why where you trying so hard to overhear my conversation over an obviously fake, rubber phone, when you should have tried to hack in and listen to my conversation yourself? This is why you need me, you have skills but their not complete or refined"

"So you're saying I should stay with a complete stranger who my only way of knowing is because i chose to accept you over falling to my death on that cliff and an alleged conversation that could have been staged... For all I know I'm asleep back at home have strange dreams"

"Maybe you are Wings, maybe you are" he said moving over to me. His hand touched the side of my face and I let myself fall into it. His breathing became labored. "I'm gonna miss you, you stubborn hot headed beauty"


Without taking his eyes off me he cut my hands loose and picked me up onto my feet and held me close to him. "My job was to get you back home, and that's exactly what I'm gonna do" his voice dropped off as his arms slowly encircled me.

"Weight, I thought you hated me?"

He smiled, "I hate your fake attitude, I don't hate you. And you have no idea how long I've have been weighting to do this"

I fliched. His embrace was warm and comforting. He smelled so strong and heavenly. For the first time in my life I gave in. I gave into him, I let myself trust him. His kiss was short and sweet, and I found myself falling deeper into his arms. 

Unwanted Company: Sequel to The Family BusinessWhere stories live. Discover now