Stage Five: Captive

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I opened my eyes to see I was bound in a flurry of ropes. "Come on kid" The menacing voice ordered.

"I'm not going anywhere with you!"

"You don't have a choice" He smiled. I glared at him and fought against the ropes. He laughed.

I studied my surroundings. A new house, two story, no windows, must be the basement. He was going to move me soon, the phone rang in the other room again.

"Ya, I got her. What do you mean! I was paid to capture her...realize... hard to move her?" I was trying to pace it together but he moved his voice down to a whisper.

He stormed back into the room and struck me across the face with a power and force i'd never felt. I blinked but suppressed my cries. My skin had broke and i knew it. Terror filled my being. He walked away. The shadows swallowed him. Hours passed. he left me to my fear and terror. "What do you want!" I screamed. A low chuckle seemed to emanate from every direction. Oh, crap!


My fingers worked at the ropes. my wrist bleed from yanking. My heart sank lower with every hour. I had no idea what to do.

I smelt food. My stomach growled. i struggled and grunted trying to wiggle free. My Dad would find me. The phone was lowered again followed by foot steps. He walked in.

"Looks like someone had been busy" he scoffed as he picked up my wrists. He slowly opened a knife and worked at the ropes. I waited till he was almost done with my angles and lunged forward. I grasped his throat and clung to his back. He spun and slammed me into the wall. I didn't give in to his powerful blow. I launched on harder to his neck. He grabbed the back my my neck and pulled. He flung me off of him onto the ground. I gasped trying to regain my air as his foot slammed into my side. Again.

"Do that again and you won't be so lucky" He said rubbing his neck leaving me to cough on the floor. He grabbed his backpack before grasping my arm in one strong hand and heaving me to my feet. I stumbled behind him. We exited a small cabin and entered a dark woods. i blinked trying to get my eyes to august.

We walked on and on. He dragged me each step of the way. I thought we were walking in circles but he seemed to know where he was going. I stumbled time after time just to be yanked on. But it was wearing him out. At least I was hoping so. Eventually he through me to the ground. He dropped his knee on my stomach before pulling a zip tie from his back pocket. I was to tired to fight. He forced my hands together and tightened the ties before proceeding to my ankles.

He moved back and sat down before pulling his backpack off. He opened a bag of chips and tossed them to me. I leaned forward and sat up.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked grabbing them stealing his eyes. He narrowed them in a warning that I ignored. He turned and lay down. I ate the food he gave and forced myself to stay awake. I waited till he fell asleep and began to roll.

He bound my hands and feet but he had not bound me. I knew not where I was going but I was going and that was all that mattered. I rolled down a hill falling into leaved at the bottom. The night surrounded me as I whent.

By the time the sun was rising i was trapped at a stream so I moved my legs and forced myself to change directions and kept rolling on. I was not about to stop. Not with him back their. or up their. Come to think of it I didn't know where i was going. Had i gone in circles. The rumbling leaves behind me forced me to move faster.

I didn't know if it was him, my imagination, or an animal. I bumped into a tree. Using my arms and legs i changed my trajectory and kept going. Only then did I realize that that was not a tree. i panicked and moved faster. he ran up and grabbed me by my arms before yanking me to my feet. I winced.

"You are incredible" He whispered "I am going to have to work harder aren't I?" I wasn't sure what to do.


He dragged me on and on. i fought and fought. I pulled back on him as he forced me on. He struck me and pushed me on with his strong arms. His steel grey eyes fought with my soul. My weak body struggled against him uselessly. He finally through me to the ground. I swoled and flinched expecting his boot again. But it never came. he dropped his knee landing my my stomach. i lost my air.

"You stop fighting me I stop hurting you. Get the picture kid?" I swoled and locked eyes with him unable to back down. I spat on his face. He slowly opened his eyes. He tensed but did not strike then moved to tie my ankles.

"You see I cought on from your last little stunt." He said and tied my wrists to his. You leave. I leave. Now go to sleep." He ordered My mind worked overtime trying to think of a way out. That's when i realized. It was almost as if he wanted me to escape. After I thought he had drifted off I carefully reached into his pocket and removed his knife. Slowly I worked on the ties. After they were removed I carefully removed his backpack and stood up.

That was to easy. He was testing me. The thought hit me at same time his boot knocking me to the ground. He laughed.

"You are relentless kid" He said standing up and grabbing me. he took his stuff back then tied me to a tree. "Sorry but i did give you a chance." He answered before turning and walking off. I wasn't sure how i was going to get out of this one. I bit my lower lip as i thought. My head slowly dropped and i drifted off into a deep sleep.


A gloved hand touched the soft dirt. The trackers eyes lifter behind the mask. A smirk slipped across the face as a cracked voice whispered. "Hang in their kid..."

Unwanted Company: Sequel to The Family BusinessWhere stories live. Discover now