Stage Eleven: Him?

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I watched the sun fall down behind the hills from the clearing we were in. My eyes wondered in his direction; he was calm, but very much so on alert at the same time. He was probably around six-six, six-seven, black military boots, black cargo pants, black tight shirt, black leather trench coat. tilting my head slightly to one side to obtain a better view I noticed that the metal mask covering the top half his face was the only thing not black, but dark grey.

"You going to stare at me all night or get some sleep?" He asked barely twisting his head over his shoulder to look at me.

I scoffed and shook my head staring down onto the ground. The temperature was rapidly dropping but I didn't want to be seen as week by asking for a fire, that and as we were being hunted a fire is one of the first things that will give you away, so I simply just leaned up against a tree and pretended to attempt sleep. He knew what I was doing. My eyes were mostly closed but still on him, trust is something that doesn't come easy. He didn't say anything just climbed onto a rock formation near the cliffs edge and sat down. I thought I had him humming as he cut at the sticker with his knife.

"So, Tracker. Since we have been running all day, and your job was to find me and bring me back home, what's are next move?" I asked walking up to him and sitting down.

"You just placed yourself in a none strategical position, that's rather out of character"

"Look, pal you don't know me"

"You see those mountains? -" he questioned pointing north with his knife "well we got to get oversee, I the next week."

"How! What do you expect me to do sprint nine stop for a full week?"

"Well if you can't do it, I suppose you could stay here and die"

"Moving that fast would kill me anyways"

"Between here and those ranges are many little towns, and a city, one of the worst cities you will encounter. You my arrogant little problem, are going to have to listen to me, and do exactly as I say, just to make it out alive"

"Yak, cause that's totally going to happen"

"You ever though, that maybe just, maybe not everyone is out to get you. Maybe depending on another person is strength"

"So if you're so strong, who do you depend on? And yes you are out to get me hence, the fact that you tracked my down for days until obtaining me." And with that challenge he fell silent and kept working on cutting up the sticks.

"Go to sleep, kid"

With a look of disbelieve I walked away knowing full well I would not let myself be overcome by sleep, I had to watch my back.


I was noshes, bouncing, sleighing. As my brain went into reboot mode I realized my hands were dangling at my sides, there was this boney rock stabbing into my back. I rolled my head over and smacked right into black. Curiosity being their guide I let my eyes wonder up, a thick, tan neck gave way into a road block of a jaw, then onto a silver mask.

With a shriek I dropped to the ground and scolded him

"You can't just go carrying people off without their consent"

With a slight tilt of his head and a smirk he just looked at me. With a glare I tried to make him back down when I realized, my hands we around his neck and his powerful arms enclosed me.

"Let me go" I ordered, he simply just walked off. In a vain attempt to regain my dignity I strengthened up my spine and corrected my stride before following suit.

The sun beat down upon us as we jerried on. I was surprised what good time he made, and how he didn't spontaneously combust inside that inferno of black and leather. He had a powerful walk filled with preps and cunning. He watched were each step was placed each movement he took was calculated well in advance and he surveyed his surroundings like a pro. This was defiantly not his first rodeo.

I wondered if, in his many compartments, he had some food, a toothbrush and maybe some face whiles to get this smudged makeup off my face. Who knows maybe he could even replace it.

The birds chirped an active song as eye flew overhead, whist the bugs, well they sought to torment my body with bites and scratches. The talk overgrown shrubs consistently blocked our path, through much like a bulldozer, the Tracker plunged through with no difficulty. Secretly, I played a game in my mind to guess his age and face. So far, my guess was about twenty-five, and decent looking. Baked I his jaw and neck I would have to say he was a decent Looking guy, his lower face and mouth had no visible blemishes, a touch of five o clock shadow, meaning he wasn't an exceptionally Harry individual, and the hair was light, so he probably had blond hair.

His thick leather concealed most of his features, but one thing was for Shure, he was huge. Probably weighing in at about twos eventful of so, maybe three hundred. In pure boredom I looked at his tracks as I followed him, my guess was that he wears about a size eighteen shoe.

"So, uh, when are we gonna eat?" I asked as my stomachs grumbling be me more persistent.

"When we get their" was the short and direct answer that was uttered in arrogant sarcasm. Choosing to ingot his tone of voice I simply asked where we were headed, no response came my way. I let my head flow back and money. "Sorry to have to point this out Sherlock, but we are in the middle of nowhere!"

He chuckled but kept going. Then with a shuttle head shift he said "well, you're welcome so stay here, or shut up"

"Is there a theirs option?"

To his, he paused and turned. Walking up to me he jeered with his index finger, not to anything particularly but I could tell I wash poohing things "when they told me you were a hard one, I didn't think you would be this bad, and trust me, I've seen some pretty sad cases"

"Oh, so now your calling me a 'sad' case? Well, your no Prince Charming yourself"

"Prince Charming was only kind to Her, after, after, she approached him and showed humility and kindness unto him"

His response took me back a second.

"True, but he was kind to others and, if he had approached her first he would have been kind. Not to mentions when a guy looked upon something pretty, well, you and I both know their attitude changes to get the girl"

"But first there must be a girl" he geared looking me over "if you want me to treat you as such, act it. If you want to act and look like a man, be prepared for me to treat you as such."

"So you would bypass being gentlemanly, and going with upbringing and culture, just because a girl wishes to be on an equal playing deals as a man?"

"Does a man treat another man the way he would treat a lady? No, if you wish to be respected and considered as a man you cannot then expect the treatment of a lady as well as that is not equal to a man, you pick one or the other, not both. Not to mention, I raised myself, I have no cultural upbringing and no country to swear allegiance to and every part of my body is a weapon, I am clocked in black and I have more weapons concealed on my person than a platoon of men. Now, you have two options, shut up and come with me, or keep whining about your ill treatment and go it alone to die."

If looks could kill, he'd be dead!

Unwanted Company: Sequel to The Family BusinessWhere stories live. Discover now