Stage Fourteen: Claws and Tech

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With that my eyes opened. I searched around the room in a rage looking for, Daniel. Like he can keep me in check! No good. he was gone. I looked around the surrounding buildings with x-Ray, nothing. Where was he? I stood up and checked the signal location on his little machine, according to it, he should be right in front of me... Weight, dad was a great inventor, could he have given him some sort of way to fade out of the visible light spectrum? Why didn't I think of that? Invisibility would have been amazing for many of my drug deals.

it took me about thirty seconds to go over everything on the electromagnetic spectrum, everything on light specifically and witching another four minute I had written a code that would plug into my cybernetic brain and take the data my eyes sent to my cerebrum and give me the ability to transform the none visible light into the visible light spectrum...

My eyes were flooded with light waves and flashes to bright for human eyes, ok maybe I should have thought this through a little better. In another thirty seconds I had rewritten the code to allow me to scan for one section of light waves at a time. UV A, B, and C flooded in, nothing in to indicate him; but boy was them allot of reflecting off of people's skin and clothing. I transferred to infrared and their he was, standing their smiling at me. "Took you long enough" He scoffed.


"Yak, you think those messages where real? That was just to see how far you could push your mind."

"But Thunderstorm, my dad, was an inventor that's the only explanation as to how you knew to avoid the visible light spectrum and all else in the electromagnetic spectrum outside of inferred."

You and your dad are not the only people alive with Intelligence Quotas of over 300."

I only managed to glare at him, that's when I realized I was receiving looks from people inside the building wondering as to whom I was speaking... "Time to move" I announced abruptly slamming into his shoulder, well upper arm, as I walked passed. He lowered his head, shaking it slightly with a chuckle then disappeared from infrared sliding into gamma then moved as fast as the frequency itself depositing himself in the door way barricading me inside.

"There are six other ways out of this building, do you really want to play this game with me?" I threatened trying to push passed him expecting him to back down and move.

"I would have been their way before you even took a step in that direction"

"Giving me time to simply walk out his door"

"By then I would have returned to my post"

"Why are you working so hard to cage me in this building?"

"They are weighting to kill you outside, and whether or not I want to, if I am to deliver you home in one piece I have to protect you"

"I can prove you're bluffing; that this is just another power stun to place yourself on top: MH45 gave me a free pass and, according to my research of this crummy little town what MH45 says, goes, no matter the money or the gang. Now why are you so dedicated to harassing me? I want to go home. I'm done with you and your charades! Now get out of my way"

"No. I'm not going to stand idly by and watch you get yourself killed, now shut up and come with me. You need to get those wounds cleaned up"

"I already won their little gang war. I kicked their butts, remember, or were you not them?"


"You just don't want to admit that I am capable. I can take care of myself"


"No, stop calling me that! And get out of my way"


"I said stop calling me that!"

"Sorry Wings" - He informed me as my curiosity now skyrocketing. That's when I felt the needle in my arm. - "but you leave me no choice"


Unwanted Company: Sequel to The Family BusinessWhere stories live. Discover now